Real Football 2023 - Miami at Miami

I’m not panicking about next week, but UMass might not be the gimme win they’ve been for any half-respectable FBS team for a decade now. Too early to say after the NMSU win, but they look improved and if we play like tonight we’re in trouble (not to mention UC).


It was a bit of bad timing for us. They had 15 top 300 ESPN players in 2023 class and top 5. I noted at least 2 freshman starters out of this class on the offense alone. They are basically NFL ready players and that makes it tough.

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Huh? Better to play them as freshmen than as sophomores.

I’ve been saying this for 5 years!!

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Terrible penalty, yes. But we had the interception a few plays after that, so that dumb move didn’t hurt us.

Lack of offense and the struggles stopping the run are far more concerning.

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The one and only positive!

Of course, but they are coming in as top in the nation so even as freshman they are superstars.

I don’t know why I put myself through these non-con games? We had all summer to prepare for this game and this was the offensive game plan? Zero creativity and not even a trick play up the old sleeve



Do all remember do. Treadwell going two years with out a win at kess chuck j l has not went two years without a win we be fine once mac play starts

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No one seriously thinks Martin is a worse Miami coach than Don’t, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t past his expiration date. When we were in this average phase in 2017/18 it wasn’t good but one could’ve argued that Chuck’s ceiling might get higher with the new facilities and the chance to bring in a full recruiting class once the team wasn’t abysmal like 2013. That was five years ago, at a certain point you need more. And it’s on Sayler to see that possibility ahead of time so we can move on without needing a significant buyout if things go really south.


Ok, just got back to South Beach after that disgrace. I have had enough of the shot gun offense, we need some old school running plays or we can’t really compete. -3 yards rushing at half is unthinkable, a shotgun draw play is not a running game.

Chuck needs to change the offense or we need another coach. We can be a passing team, but we have to be able to get positive running yards. These running plays simply don’t work.


That was a Power 5 team we played. We will be fine from here out. Everyone just needs to relax. I don’t think we had any serious injuries. Gabbert slid more, no big hits. CM got him out of the game once it was out of reach. Game one behind us. Let’s get to work.


I think we can put this game to rest. It was an abysmal, disappointing performance. Bottom line is CM can’t coach Miami to be competitive or respectable against a P5 team. That is who and what he is. On to his level of competence, UMASS.


… and that is a sad reality that better change for the better.

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I had to watch on dvr because of my sons HS game

Positives #10 and some of our kicks- not a blood bath of injuries

Negatives just about everything else. We spend so much recruiting capital on the oline just to get very few results. This group seems to get worse every year

Perspective- my hope is that the U is way better. Like a top 20 team. Still wouldnt love getting drilled by a top 20 team but at least we could understand it more

Sadness- i am 54 and the reality is setting in that Miami football will never be what it was in that magical era of 1995 -2004 (not even counting the 60s-70s). I loved non conference games under Randy Walker and Terry Hoeppner more than conference games. Now I feel impending doom


Question: Why does Chuck leave his “ franchise QB” on the field in such a loss?
Why not let QB2 get some time on the field?
Trivia: we apparently do not face a #1 QB listed as 6’OO until Nov.25.

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Past time.


To add to my last post, I know I said it is time to put this to rest, but the reality is CM does not elevate the team. We win games largely, maybe exclusively, because of better talent. He is not a coach who takes his talent and elevates them, as a group, to where we look competitive against P5 teams. He is what he is. If we came out and at least looked respectable against the Hurricanes, then the fan base might remain excited. This is a veteran team. Answer this: when was the last time under CM we beat a team with truly better talent?


Not ever that I can recall…at least Hep and Walk could occasionally do that…which kept the fans engaged.