Real Football 2023 - Miami at Miami

This does not include yesterday:

Chuck Martin

Career Record: 10 Years, 45-59, .433 Win% (at major schools)

Bowl Record: 4 Games, 1-3, .250 Win% (at major schools)

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Better yet, why not put in #3 QB? We know Aveon is a capable backup already. Let the next man up get game reps.


BC if you scroll the game thread, you will see I called for exactly that. Put in Hesson. About post #424 of this thread.


Here’s another positive . Javon Tracy. I was surprised they he was not a starter. He needs to play more and that’s likely to happen next week. I’m really not worried about last night. I like the new RB. Brett will be fine. Defense looked good. Best kicker/ punter combo maybe in college football.


OK, not to overly “beat a dead horse”, but there is something here in these P5 games that I can’t wrap my head around.

First off, true confessions, as an athlete (back in the days of yore), I was a basketball and baseball player. Played junior high football and started but just too skinny for football. So, unlike many others on this board, I am no expert on football strategy and tactics.

However, I do have eyes and after viewing this endless parade of non-competitive OOC Miami games, I ask the more expert on this board a few questions:

  1. don’t coaching staffs presumably tailor their game plan taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent?

  2. isn’t there a back up plan/strategy prepared before the game in case the original game plan is not working?

3). Assuming the answers are variations of yes to the two prior questions, how can anyone account for Chuck Martin and staff to seemingly continue to run predictable plays that DO NOT WORK, and make no game day adjustments (at least that my untrained eye can see) as the game unfolds.

  1. Specific to last night’s game, we could not run the ball on delays up the middle, and the U’s pass rush was in Gabbert’s face all day when we did try to pass (typically on 3rd and long after two unsuccessful running plays).

So, why didn’t we throw more on first down w quick slants and throws out to our running backs in space, as well as utilize drag plays w our tight end?

Watching that game was like a slow motion “train wreck”. All of us pretty much know what plays we will run (over and over), as does the opposition. It is just maddening! I will close saying I know the U had better speed and talent, to which I will add better coaching.

But we could at least try to be competitive with some original play calling once in awhile. Am I off base here?


why does anyone on here keep saying things are fine and Brett is fantastic? Is The U better ? Of course. We just don’t game plan at all and Chuck seems to think this is great way to roll into conference play (spoiler alert it’s not).

Watch EKU score 17 on UC today.

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Hurricanes are arguably better than UC this year.


Everyone is allowed their opinion. I think the team looks better than last year. I didn’t see where anyone said Brett was “fantastic “. He’s not. He is a solid seasoned QB. CM does not like starting off the season with these P5 games. His goal is to get the $$ keep everyone healthy and move on.


The hell with this game. It’s over. Another embarrassing CM production. I am moving forward to UMASS.

Now I am getting ready to head to Hannibal, Missouri for the Steampunk Festival!


You enjoy gardening. College football. Profanity. Now Steam Punk? Hats off to you. Instead of Bluesman, I shall call you…Reinnassance Man! Jokes aside, it does sound fun.

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Look Martin deserves the criticism that comes his way, but that record is now 40-41 if you take out his first two seasons when cleaning up for Treadwell. That’s how he should be judged, with his F-grade OOC track record and every bad MAC loss counted against him.


Sounds logical,Ballcoach!

What if the “game plan” goal is to eat clock and get out of Dodge with no serious injuries?

I shred a pretty mean guitar as well! From Freddie King to Hendrix to Rush! And long live profanity!



At least with Hep and Walk, even if you didn’t win, you were probably competitive for a majority of the game and it at least looked like the game plan was designed to try to pull the upset. Hep’s press conferences also made you think the upset was possible. CM is the absolute polar opposite in that regard.


Not to mention that Chuck’s one claim to fame as Miami coach, a decent MAC record and 2019 title, look meh compared to Hoeppner and Walker since the East has been a Bottom 3 FBS division during his tenure. The odds of Martin getting us to the MAC title game, let alone winning it all, would be way close to nil if he had to go up against the likes of Pinkel, Meyer, Grobe, etc. in conference play like it was 20+ years ago.

Bottom 3? What divisions have been worse?

The Sun Belt and the C-USA have had some really lousy divisions over the past decade. IIRC the Belt West had a season not too long ago where besides UL-Lafayette none of their teams had more than 4 wins.

I’d like to imagine, that one day, the President and BoT will support ICA to the point where we become a dominate G5 program.

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