WMU Game Week 2023

Thats why we run so few plays.


Gage being Gage.

Brettā€™s hand looked just fine on that throw!

Great route, great pass, TD! Guess Brettā€™s hand is ok because that pass was beautiful.

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That is an empty looking stadium.


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Nice start!

ā€œChuck Martin, it seems like heā€™s really impressed with his quarterback, Brett Gabbert.ā€

Michael Reghi


ESPN app I not working so canā€™t follow the gane at the moment.

To be fair, itā€™s been 40s and heavy rain for days now in West Michigan. It hasnā€™t really stopped until this afternoon. So even though itā€™s finally cleared up a bit, I imagine a lot of people had already resigned themselves to alternate weekend plans.


Yeah, mine has crashed four times so far and I have to completely reboot my firestick every time. :roll_eyes:

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WMU hits a FG.

7-3, good guys.

D bent quite a bit there but thankfully only gave up a FG. 7-3 Miami. Time for the O to drive the field again.

Thatā€™s shirtless weather.

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I very rarely have problems with espn plus. On the upstairs set, I run it through Samsungā€™s smart software, and downstairs, I run it via an xbox. So I havenā€™t used the firestick app. Perhaps it needs to be updated. Or if it has been updated recently, maybe give it a hard reset. Hope you donā€™t have anymore issues.

Get a ROKU!

ā€œGo ahead. Hang on me, interfere with me, Iā€™m still gonna catch that effer!ā€

Cade doesnā€™t need DPI to move the chains.

TD. Again.

Gage. Again.

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Great extension of the play by Gabbert! TD! Gabbert to Gage is money!!