Wilberforce at Miami Friday at 7:00

Do I get something if we score 100?



Morris with the slam, 100-50. Where’s my toasted roll?

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Can someone ask Martin about transfer portal updates lol

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Time to clear the bench. Put in Eli Yofan.

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123 is our record (against Midway)?

We like scoring 119 against these guys.

Nobody got hurt, everybody got good minutes. Mission accomplished. 6-6 OOC record. MAC play starts Tuesday night!


Who is Dauparas? I’m assuming a walkon.

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What is deal with Lewis?

Walkon. About 6’5". Battles hard. Built like a linebacker.

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Played senior year at LaLumiere, where Mabrey played.

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Sounds like he’s no longer a part of the team. At least unofficially. @DICK mentioned something a little while back to that effect.

Cooper with 10 boards, 8 assists


Nice to see everyone get some minutes today.


I don’t know how many saw it, and thankfully it has been removed, but shortly after the game was over, whoever controls Miami’s social media accounts put up this meme of Miami fans laughing and celebrating and a baby in a Wilberforce uniform crying. That is in poor taste. I love we have active social media accounts now, but let’s be responsible. I have no problems with a meme like this if we beat OU, Cincinnati, etc. But against an overmatched Wilberforce team? No, our social media should be better than that and thankfully someone higher up said take that damn thing down.


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Tod thanks I didn’t take a screen shot. That is the one I was talking about. Hope you and the family had a Merry Christmas.

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Not funny…at all.

This because we pounded an NAIA team?