UMass game

I don’t even want to know what time the game started there

It was baffling how UMass only rushed three and refused to guard the sidelines to prevent so many out of bounds gains. Bad teams generally find ways to lose, today was no exception.

G’day mate! RedHawks win!

We are 14 hours ahead here, so the game started 5:30 am on Sunday morning. I watched part of the second half after breakfast.

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Thank goodness we won. Otherwise I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy watching UGA-Bama.


Dom Dzobian to the rescue! He had great tempo on those kicks.

As much as it’s easy to complain about play calling (why so many runs to the short side of the field), we again made mistakes that cost us points. This should’ve been at least a 17-point win, by no stretch.

Gabbert missed Tracy in the 1st quarter, wide open, easy TD
The roughing the passer penalty on Wise that kept their first TD going
Gabbert’s INT before halftime, 3-7 points missed.
McDonald’s punt return getting called back. It was away from the play, but why?
On the ensuing drive, Gabbert missed McDonald over the middle which gets us 3-7 points.

I’m starting to keep a couple of things in mind as I think about the rest of the year.

  1. How much 7-on-7 in the offseason did Gabbert have? I’m guessing very little, so besides timing, does he realistically know what his leg is going to do on each throw?
  2. The run game was boosted by Aveon Smith. A running QB improves the run game since the defense has to account for an extra blocker. I have even greater appreciation for him and the impact he made. The offensive line play isn’t nearly good enough.

But a start would be just removing these costly mistakes, especially in the passing game. Hopefully the last drive in regulation gives them some confidence and trust in that not trying to do too much is enough to win.


How do the Bengals do?

Yellow#5 (or is it Tartrazine?) - the Red Rifle finds a way to put the Bengal’s eye out


I don’t doubt it for a minute. Bengals are not gonna be good this year. I put all my chips on men’s hoops to shock the world and a couple on hockey to win more than they did last year. I feel good about both bets.


Interesting hearing Chuck talk about the whole kicker/punter situation the past few years. Dom has had quite the path to get here! I’m happy for him


“The only person in all of Oxford that was happy Graham was leaving was me” - Dom Dzioban :joy:



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Been happening every game all year.

Congrats to Dom BUT if anyone after Saturday does not think this team is in trouble they are not in touch with reality. The play calling remains inconsistent and many times simply lacks common sense - why on the last few key drives do we try to go outside when we had no success there all game? Our O line was much bigger than their D line and we had success running off tackle and trap plays in the middle. That said the play calling on the final drive in OT was excellent and shows why short out routes and a possession short passing game can work - please no more wasted deep sideline fade plays. Given the experience and talent on this team we should be playing much better.


Nobody thinks this.


I wasn’t concerned until yesterday. I am now. Brett only looked like himself on that last drive in OT. He had that fire in his belly that we have seen time and time again. We need that Brett the rest of the year. I hope he can find it earlier in the next game. CM is not good at calling plays. He needs to hand it off. I would like to see Gus more involved with play calling. The rest of the season will hinge on how bad Brett wants it. He is good enough to Will this team to victory and even overcome CM’s inept play calling. We shall see, said the blind man.


You mean an up tempo offense works?!?!

I will not doubt that Gabbert has the fire in his belly. He came back from a broken leg for goodness sakes. I think the fire is there. Now, that fire has to turn into better, more consistent decision-making. That’s been the difference. 3 better decisions from him would’ve given us at least 13 more points. Then what would we say about the play calling.

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I would say the play calling is terrible even if he didnt throw and end of half int that was set up by horrific play calling


The first time all year that Brett said the heck with being careful and threw caution to the wind was that last drive. I was totally ready to replace him at halftime.

I would say if we don’t at least split at Toledo and Eastern we should audition somebody else for next year. If we win one of those then we have a possible path to a bowl game and the MACC.