
It’s a great idea! Just not certain it’s possible.

Hold it on an away weekend and have an all-Ohio Pop Warner invitational at Yager. Does it mean we’ll pull some future 5 star away from OSU? Of course not, but we’d build up a huge amount of recognition and goodwill with everyday parents and their kids who would be considering a lower P4 or MAC school.


No more impossible than kids playing on a random grass field in Harrison, OH or Ross, OH. It’d be really low hanging fruit for Miami. Not every weekend might work, but host Talawanda’s youth program, Ross’s and one or two others and bam…

—and while we’re at it, our local high school baseball has recently played at the Mudhens stadium and also several years back in Pittsburgh at the Pirates place. Why can’t we get some high school baseball and softball games on our beautiful facilities? If we get one or so unexpected recruits it would be worth it. Do we have tournament rounds ? Have an early season four team round robin. Schedule both baseball and softball on the same weekend. Hotels, restaurants, recruiting all would benefit. I dream big.

I think they do this already on some level. I know for sure they rent the baseball stadium out to teams for games.

Or, perhaps some “ regular” students might decide they like Miami?


We hosted the Division 1 regionals this year.


We host over 200 high school games/year across multiple sports. Hell there was just a softball game the other day


I had no idea. Good for us.

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Miami wasn’t necessarily even on my radar until I attended a weeklong basketball camp at Miami the summer before my freshman year in high school.

We stayed in dorms on the Western campus and had our meals at the dorm’s cafeteria there. I was wowed by the campus and town, and of course ended up choosing Miami. (unfortunately, my attendance at Miami was not due to being recruited for hoops or baseball :cry:).


I have a bit of insider info on this. Xavier had the D1 regional the year before but was so woefully unprepared and unorganized as a host that they will not be considered again for awhile. So–fingers crossed–all the big boys in SW Ohio will be playing in Oxford for a long time.

We began hosting a WGI (winter color guard/drumline) contest around 2014/15 and that’s continued as an annual event if I’m not mistaken. Not as impactful for Oxford as an event during the summer but still nice for the town. Fun fact, while volunteering there for the MUMB I overheard a drum tech saying that Millett had some of the worst indoor acoustics he’s ever heard.

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Touche!! Very well done!!

The Rec Center every year hosts at least 4 or 5 large swim meets for high school, Y and US swimming. Several hundred swimmers per meet.

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:skunk::skunk:. Wildcats !