
Does Miami have a nil funding deal with any brewery? % of sales $go to the fund? UD,UC,Youngstown State do.
Selling beer in Oxford is a natural!

Add: OSU,Indiana U., Butler…on and on.

Some have hard spirits on the program too.

Seems like a no brainer to me but I don’t believe they do

While a no brainer (I actually enjoyed Old Aggie Lager by New Belgium quite a bit when I lived in Fort Collins), with the possible exception of beating most FCS and quite a few G5 in the IPF race, does Miami have a track record of being ahead … or even slightly behind … the curve?

I’d argue the reason we are where we are today is because we are always 5+ years behind. The failure began when we did zero to capitalize on Roethlisberger’s tenure and we’ve never recovered.

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I have an Old Aggie hat I bought at New Belgium a few years back. It should be obvious that I also bought some of the beer. Just to support State of course. It would be interesting to see what beer name and label art we would come up with if something like this would come to fruition. High Street Ale?

New Belgium’s former brewmaster was Miami alum(architecture degree I believe) John Haggerty. Dayton and suburban Cincinnati residents can now enjoy his efforts as he is Brewmaster at Waped Wing Brewing.

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I am an idiot. Mr. Haggerty was formerly brewmaster for New Holland brewing of Michigan not New Belgium of North Carolina and Colorado.

Let the record show that both New Holland and New Belgium produce consistently excellent beers as does Warped Wing.

As does Little Kings!



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New Belgium still good after being bought out and having the recipe changed? I haven’t gotten it since.

Fat Tire, their signature brew has been changed some but I still enjoy it. The brewery was first sold to it’s employees. Voodoo Ranger in various forms has now, it seems, become the most visible of its brands. If you are in the area, take the brewery tour. Make reservations a day or so ahead of time. I have been on many a tour and theirs is the best. Lots of free beer. The brewery is just off the Poudre River bike trail. Ride the trail, take the tour, enjoy the food truck of the day.

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Our son fly fishes up the river to the brewery,has lunch and beverage(s) takes an Uber back to,his car.
Makes an excellent 1/2 day.

I always preferred voodoo ranger to fat tire. Not sure why but fat tire tastes like peanuts to me. My last year in FC overlapped with the new stadium and the Aggie lager … which I sampled heavily. :slight_smile:

Truth be told, I always preferred Odell’s to NB, but as far as breweries go, not sure there’s a better one to take a family to in the US.


I did the tour at least 3 times and it was fantastic…lots of free samples…at least they were free a decade or so ago…


Can’t disagree w anything you said. So many breweries in FC I try a new one or two each time there. Love Odells.

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Yep. Still free as of last fall. One hint. Listen carefully to the presentation. You can win a free beer or six if you answer the end of your quiz question quickly and correctly. Best tour ever.

BTW, our daughters Christmas party has often been there.

At first glance I thought you wrote “O’Doule’’ and I thought “oh really…what beer drinkers drink when they’re not drinking beer…basically piss flavored water. No way.” Then I reread and all was right again.

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The opposite of Schaefer, “the one beer to have, when your having more than one.”

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Speaking of stadiums….my son plays K/1 youth football. He had a game at Harrison this past weekend and the parking and crowd was miserable. Miami needs to offer Yager to local youth football leagues throughout the fall….teams can warm up in the IPF and then play in Yager. It’d be a great way to build the fan base


For a number of reasons, I don’t think from an insurance standpoint this is possible.

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High school teams play in college stadiums (Toledo for example). High schools have their homecoming dances in college stadiums (Colorado State). High school teams play in pro stadiums (Ford Field). If the schedule permits, one game would be a lifetime memory for a 6 year old.

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