Real Football 2023 - Miami at Miami

Better look than his jammy top. But a turtleneck in FL?

UB 10 - Wisky 14, (we’ll see how it ends)…also interesting to see how good Canes end up this year, and against a traditionally (as of recent) weak Boston College that The NIU just beat.

It’s hard to play the comparison, transitive game…but we rarely compete in these P5 games, and in this one did not even look like we belong on the field from a preparation and play-calling standpoint.

Run, run …PASS 75% of the game, our HC literally and figuratively in a SWEATERVEST, in Miami FL on the first day of September…embarrassing on so many levels.


A Miami (FL) colleague texted me about the game and asked whether our coach was trying to hide our playbook from other MAC teams since our team was always “running, running, passing.” I sadly replied that was our playbook :frowning:


Skins - totally agree- see my post under the Embarrassment - while my son and I had a great time in South Beach the game was an embarrassment and as noted by others no cheerleaders, no mascot and no alumni get together ( even an informal gathering at %;30 pm in the Section 126 concession area would have worked ).

Back in Ohio. Game was whatever. A Chuck Martin special. Only had one guy on crutches after the game but didn’t see who and we got paid so I guess yay?

*It was too fucking hot. I don’t know how people live in that shit and act like it’s great. It was misery.
*Hard Rock was a nice stadium with big concourses and ample bathrooms.
*I ate three meals in Little Havana and those were three tremendous decisions.
*Meeting Jive, Spanks, Alex and the rest of the crew at their AirBNB and them just welcoming Sackman and his college buddies was very nice. Thanks to you all. You deserve more Ws.

We’re onto UMass.



I will say, as annoyed as I was (and am) with Chuck, the Canes looked pretty damn good, especially as the game went on and the speed and athleticism differences became more pronounced. Other than some shaky QB play they looked like a way different team than last year. Guessing the result of this one will look way different in retrospect at the end of the season.

Also agree with Sackman that I’m happy to be home and out of summertime Miami weather. Brutal

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Crystobal had Oregon at 2 in the country. They will be a tough out going forward. Not a lot of rosy from yesterday but my OU in-laws said our defense is good and they all gushed over Gage. I think he will be pretty solid. Even though right now it feels like hmmm….
Ps that’s Oklahoma U not Ohio U

Brett is perfectly fine, a pretty clear starter. If he were as fantastic as people seem to think he is (or as he seems to think he is), his portal experience would have ended differently.

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Support from the president and BOT is necessary, but very far from sufficient. Boosters are gonna have to boost a hell of a lot more than they do.

Perhaps Chuck can recruit and retain some QB’s for next year as the job may truly be an open competition?

I have said before that it will be hard to recruit a stud QB when CM only plays 2 all year. Last year when we we were struggling was the perfect time to play the 3&4. They did not get one snap. Hesson is in his 3rd year and has played a grand total of 1 series. We lost the highest ranked QB we had recruited before we ever saw him on the field. So, I think the portal is where we are destined to find our QBs from this point forward. Not to mention our unimaginative offense has to be a deterrent.


I believe Clay Belton is technically the highest ranked QB ever to play at MU. Not that it means a lot as guys with less accolades have gone farther.

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The “ Ground Chuck “ offense?

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Damn. Last year’s BallCoach is back and he brought his rose colored glasses.

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3 QBs played for Murray State in their opener. Humphreys wasn’t one of them.

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Chicken and the egg question. Donors can be cultivated and steered towards areas of emphasis. Like others, I see zero emphasis being put on athletics. It shouldn’t be a primary emphasis, but neither should it be completely overlooked.

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Told ya😀

I would neither expect, nor want any booster to give ICA any money until they present a unifed plan to get Miami to the top of the G5.

Did AJ Mayer graduate? I didn’t see his name in the box score vs.Oklahoma.

He is no longer on the team. He would have been a senior.

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