Real Football 2023 - Miami at Miami

That kinda looked like interference

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I don’t know why Miami is even bothering w running the ball…won’t work! Only good run was Amos where he found a nice seam and made a nice run. Otherwise, nothing!

Dear lord: please get us a TD.

I really didn’t expect to get blown out like this…I can already hear Martin’s presser after the game about how Hurricanes were just too much for us…and they were!

But the coaches gave us no chance of even remotely competing w the atrocious game plan and play calling. So awful!


I would put in Hesson not Aveion. Protect our 2nd string QB.


429 - 157 total yards

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In other words typical CM play calling

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Man we really let the trap game before UMass get to our heads.

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Where was that set with both Aveon and Brett on the field at the same time?

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TO Hurricanes. .they really want to punch in another TD…our D is gassed so I like their chances.

Good question, Dan

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It’s tough to call plays when your offensive line can’t hold up and you’re playing a team that’s much quicker and faster than you.

The one valid criticism that’s out there is not throwing it enough to the running backs, especially on screens. We have all of these great running backs but we really didn’t use them tonight.

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That’s a pipedream and you know it.

Who finishes as qb?

CM is saving it for Delaware State. That FCS school will never see it coming!


The game (and specifically the offensive game plan) did nothing to shake CM’s bizarre reputation of apparently not giving a damn in money games. I still don’t get it. Yeah, you’ll probably lose anyway but at least try something to win, or at least be competitive late in the game.


Whoever it was who said this is Chucks OOC philosophy is dead on. We were going to lose, so much better than us, good learning experience, save everything for MAC play. We have seen this show for so long. Time to move on.

Yes and no. Yes, we were overmatched, but when plays (like delayed handoffs up the middle) obviously weren’t working, there was no attempt to try much of anything else.

Then, on a couple key 3rd down plays we ran right into the middle of a stacked box. Or threw long when we needed a few yards for a critical first down.

The Aveon fade!


Well hell, it sure beats a run up the middle!

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