
Sooner QB General Booty just entered the portal. This must be All-Names Week!

General Booty sounds like a west coast rapper or hip-hop artist.

I saw General Booty 4: (return of Thicc) and thought it was tastefully shot.


DL transfer was in town for an official visit. Would be a massive addition, but there is some stiff competition for him.


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He’s from Texas. First offer out of high school was from - wait for it - Presbyterian!

Did michigan really scare Miami from using the block M on their apparel?


I find that hard to believe, but the logo did make the big change under the bates era

The closest thing to Go Blow’s M looks like early in my playing days

I don’t see enough of a match but it’s close

According to an afternoon guest portal expert on ESPN College Sports Radio’s Off Campus, the Miami Hurricanes’ collective spending on transfers this off season is approaching $20 million.

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There’s a lot of misinformation out there right now on collective spending. $20M total spend for all sports is in the top 10 in the country. There’s a good chance a shift to the haves will accelerate and leave the smaller alumni base and/or market schools in the dust permanently. Clemson, Auburn, , etc. may struggle mightily in this new era.

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How about the MAC and other group of 5 suing the Power 5 for player development and or suing the NFL for the same. I have always thought the NFL in particular should pay for a minor league system if that is in fact what they are encouraging colleges to do.

Under the new streamlined minor league configuration, MLB is now relying heavily on NCAA baseball as its development arm, as well. But the concept of professional leagues paying universities for developing its players isn’t going to fly.

In terms of betterment of society, that might be a more compelling argument for the health care cartel paying universities to develop doctors, physicians assistants and nurses. But that’s never going to fly either.

I’m afraid G5 programs and less affluent P4 teams are now on our own in this new unbridled environment, where money talks and everybody else walks. Like Flysouth implies, even the Auburns and Clemson’s of the world might lose their mansions and memberships in the country club. And as for the G5, unless forced to do so, the new power players aren’t going to allow Kia Rios in their parking lots.

Interesting that you bring up healthcare as some large hospital corporations that understand the massive nursing shortage have begun deploying this strategy. HCA (~180 hospitals) bought a nursing school and is the largest funder of physician scholarships in the US.
Never say never - I’m just not sure the NFL will need college football enough to subsidize. PE money will be first to invest IMO.

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@FlySouth That’s good to know. My significant other’s daughter borrowed about $100k to attend Wake Forest to become a PA. She’s working at a less than market salary at UNC Medical Center and repaying her loan at the minimum required,hoping to get 10 years in and have the rest of her loan forgiven. Our pay it yourself system has been a big contributor to creating our shortage of medical professionals. Nice to hear some organization is making an attempt to address that.


On3 shows this very tall DB from Jacksonville State as a 100% transfer to Miami. Are they right?

Good athlete. Also suspended from the team earlier last year year. No reason given. Officially, that is.

Edit - for accuracy!

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I haven’t seen McCray post anything publicly that he’s committed to us. Just that he has an offer. He also has an offer from JMU.

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He’s not on their 2024 Roster but also not on their transfer portal list on 24/7. Strange.

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2024 College Football Transfer Portal (on3.com)

This shows that as of today 5/7 Kevin Davis has withdrawn from the portal and returning to Miami??

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Awesome! Love this guy!!!