
I has become a very dirty, cutthroat business at all levels. It’s always really been shady in many respects but it’s gotten worse in the era of crazy coaching money, wholesale player cuts, pulled scholarship commitments, nationalized recruiting, high priced tuition, the transfer portal and legalized financial inducement.

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I have no doubt, none whatsoever, that all schools including ND and Miami pull scholarships. I do question, however, the idea that ND surprised a group of players in a team setting by announcing they were being “cut”. If true, it seems as if that would be reported somewhere other than this board.

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Oddly, On3 doesn’t show any Notre Dame players in the portal since it opened on April 16.


How 'bout this?

Rewrite scholarship rules so that players can’t be cut for athletic reasons.

It’s horrific that a kid that shows up for practice, meetings, lifts, conditioning etc on time and it winds up just isn’t good enough and gets cut. For a lot or maybe most of kids that come from rougher backgrounds they’re going to get one chance at a college education and everything it can bring. If a 2 or 3 star from the MAC gets portal’ed chances are they’re not going to get picked up by another school and have a chance to get a degree.

Maybe the answer for the typical 2 or 3 star high school kid is to go to a lesser college athletically where they feel they have a better chance to be 1st/2nd team and not get cut rather than take the challenge and go to a better program.

What do you say as a coach to a kid that’s worked hard for two years, kept his nose clean, has a 2.8 gpa and has waited his turn while the juniors and seniors ahead of him finish up…and then coach gets a Group 4 cast off that throws him back to 3rd team. Now heading into his Jr. year he gets cut by a coach making seven figures That’s just total horseshit and something needs to be done to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Not sure what mind you. But changes have to be made. I know it’s not a fair world but that’s not fair.


Your comments certainly illustrate the current frustration with college revenue sports.

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I don’t disagree, however, the day the NCAA sat on its hands and allowed their role to be legislated they became a recruiting calendar and event organization (even some of that may be taken away). These are “adults” that can die in war and now make money playing sports. I know MANY administrators and some coaches that resent how much$ these kids make and they are being treated worse than ever. Incentive to develop young adults is gone - it will prob only get worse.


Why wouldn’t an assistant at a big time school resent multiple players making more money?

Do pro coaches feel the same? They have the same issue but seem to have accepted the reality people pay to watch athletes not coaches. Jimmies and Joes vs x’s & o’s

I agree with a lot of your post but the one thing I feel differently about is the idea that the coaches don’t have incentive to develop kids. They absolutely do to:
-help their program short term should the kid be good and play.
-help the program long term should the kid stay or come off the 3rd string as they improve.
-help scratch the itch called “these adults are crazy enough to work with 18-24 year for their full time job. I think they do care about them a lot in that regard despite the fact some aren’t staying more than a year.

I don’t necessarily disagree with the premise, but in practice it’s fading quickly. Many (not all) schools are taking the tact that if a kid can’t compete for the 1-2 spot by their Soph yr they need to go. Development be damned. Chuck doesn’t seem to take that approach - yet. We dont really know who all he’s run off or why, but when you see so many programs more or less cut 20+% of their squad annually it’s hard to say they are developing kids.


Right. But they still put some effort into the kids even if they cut bait after two years. That’s my point. They (the coaches) want the kid to work out as it would be way easier for everyone if it did. But that’s the rub.

In basketball, coach Steele had a bad team his first year. A team of dudes he knew by and large were not coming back the next year. But he still worked with them hard at practice and wanted them to improve. Maybe if some had caught fire they’d still be here. Odd analogy given we are talking football but it popped in my head.

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Yes, I was just ranting to myself as usual. That was not meant for you.

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It seems that in many/most cases 3rd teamers get cut…not developed. If Ballcoach is right, and I’ll assume he knows first hand like he says, that’s exactly what’s going at our school.

So here at Miami and elsewhere that 3rd teamer is getting replaced by another 3 star hopeful out of high school or by a portal kid dropping down from a P/4 school.

The P/4 coach making millions cuts the kid who might not have the money he or she needs to go to school two more years to get a degree.

You know, as we sit here on this site and delight in the portal kids we bring in from P/5 schools or FCS All-Stars moving up that we think will help us. At the same time feel really sad for the kids told to hit the portal by their coaches. Kids that went to class, worked hard in practice, never missed a meeting and kept their nose clean waiting for the opportunity to move up to the 2’s or start. Instead they just get cut.

For me, that’s not what college sports is supposed to be about.


So the NCAA and their member colleges have allowed things to get pathiclly miserable now for schools like Miami.

How do they (NCAA member schools) reel it in?—What’s next?— What do we do?— What’s realistic?

Break away? F’em? Let them drown in their own pile of goo? All the while hoping the keep letting us invade their turf and hopefully embarrase them for seven figure pay days?$$$

Try to create our own TV deals? Playoffs/Bowl games???

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In the long run, Miami is probably better off outside of the NCAA, pending some type of split where the NCAA is forced to be a steward for ALL member schools.



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Bummer. Talented dude.


New posting from Rashad! Pretty crazy!

Who would ever thought that Rashad Amos would do more traveling than Dwain Williams?

Of course, no one knows what Dwain could have achieved if he played in the transfer portal era. His records would have never been broken.


South Carolina, Miami, Mississippi State, Colorado - and still two years of eligibility left!