
I thought it was OSU but great call. You were right!


Very sorry I was right. The Alabama fans ripped Graham getting the Groza over their kicker who had a great career but not as good a season. Finished a distant 3rd in Groza voting. If I was Graham, Alabama would be the last place I would have gone. Then again, their money is green just like everybody else.

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My point to all of this is essentially:

If you’re offended by people making money in college sports, that’s been happening for a long time.

If you think it’s different because athletes are supposed to be loyal to schools in a way that’s different, that’s fair, but I don’t see why that means schools should stop spending money on sports UNLESS it ends up leading to lower student/alumni engagement, etc… Which is entirely possible but not clear yet

Miami students spend thousands of dollars per year on athletics that they, by and large, do not support. That’s asinine. Why do they spend that? So Miami athletics can pretend to keep up with the Joneses. It’s a deeply flawed system, and Miami’s participation in it is not founded on any sort of economic ability or reality. The dining hall employees, professors, and other university employees are providing services used much more often by students. It’s a core part of their college education and experience.

Paying a couple grand per year, or whatever the actual number is, so Miami can pay their coaches is not touching, improving, or bettering the vast majority of students’ experience. We see that in the lack of student support across all athletics. Frankly, I can’t believe the University has been able to keep extracting that money to this day.

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I also wouldn’t begrudge any donor who stops supporting athletics. Why pay money to support a coach and players who you have no idea will be there tomorrow, next week, and next year. That seems a fools errand.

Would Graham expect to be invited back to Miami football reunions, half time events, and such? Like: the best college kicker 10 years ago will be at the half of a Miami home game?
Or is he persona non grata?

Not really certain why you waste your time on the athletics fan board. What’s the point other that to argue for deemphasis or elimination of athletics altogether.

No, I’m speaking in reality. I love Miami athletics but we need to have a reckoning of what we are and what we can be. Especially in this current environment. Save your scolding, Dan. Thanks.

Regarding Graham: It’s like one observer said about Sammy Sosa:
His English is not great BUT HE SURE CAN COUNT! ($):sweat_smile:

You seem to be the scolder in chief of the program. So what’s the reckoning you propose. Give us a straw man.


I don’t even know what your point is. Why don’t you say what’s on your mind.

My point is the resources Miami needs to keep up with D1 football and men’s basketball is only going up. We already have high student fees and low student interest and activity. Our donor base isn’t that strong. I agree with those above that Miami and the MAC seems destined for a Pioneer, Ivy, or some other future that is apart from where OSU, UC and other big departments will be. My hope is at that time the finances of coaches and travel and putting these programs forward will be more based on some kind of market reality. Hopefully with new rules around athletes not being free agents every year.

Now you go, dude. Or F off.

Nice. Let me know when we start playing that 10 game Ivy schedule or start scheduling Dayton again with absolutely no TV revenue.

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Yeah, that’s about what I expected from you. Have a great weekend, pops

U 2 youngin!

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@1812grad Since Graham is a true Senior I’m going to assume he hasn’t graduated. Without a Miami degree he’s not eligible for the HOF. Probably would be invited to the 20th anniversary of the 2023 Championship.


In addition to any NIL money that Graham is going to get I am sure someone was also whispering in his ear that he would improve his NFL prospects by kicking in 80,000 seat packed stadiums in high stakes games.

Sadly, we cannot match the money or that environment. I am not sure the latter is a critical element when all is said and done but it can’t hurt him.


He could always finish his degree later if he wants…like many others before him.

Sounds reasonable.

How do we know he’s headed to Bama?

Simple. His posts are all full of Lynyrd Skynyrd references.