
I already updated my resume with a bullet that says “fan of team that had the 2023 Lou Graza award winner.”

It’s getting me some nice accolades.

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You are certainly correct. I thought of that after I hit send and didn’t want to post something to admit my limited brain function which becomes more noticeable the older I get. I’m greedy–I wanted to use his status this season.
For what it’s worth (which is admittedly very little), I’d bet a buck he goes to Alabama for a bundle. They had a terrific kicker who graduated.Their fans were “outraged” that he didn’t get the Groza as he had a great career, but not as good a year as Graham.

I bet he goes to Ohio State

That was my second guess.


One thing that should be done in the transfer era is that the school in which the player played the majority of his career should be listed as “his school” for purposes of identification.

For example, it makes no sense that Ivan Pace is listed on the Vikings roster as from UC when he spent one year there and three at Miami.

The same should apply to Nicholson wherever he ends up.

If a player spends two years at each of two schools let the player designate his choice. I guess same should apply if a kid has gone to four schools in four years. It is truly absurd but that is where we are.


Sort of like the baseball hall of fame

Which school do you think Ivan Pace would choose if he was on SNF and they let him say his school. I dont think he would chose Miami

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That isn’t new unfortunately, IIRC Russell Wilson has always had Wisconsin down as his school instead of NC State.

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Yes, it is not new. However, that was in an era where you either had to sit out a year or had to be a grad transfer like Russell Wilson was. We are in a different world where there can be 2,3 or 4 schools on a player’s resume.

The more schools, the worse the kid’s education.

Seems like pretty strange timing considering the spring game is tmw. Makes me think why he couldn’t wait a day, but it really doesn’t matter either way.

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From his published interview on the Miami site a couple weeks ago he gave the impression he was in a dark or at least an uncomfortable place when he jumped in the portal initially. Perhaps it’s something persistent he couldn’t work through. Who knows.

My guess would be $$$$

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I know he had a low six-figure offer from Oregon the first time around.


Very true. That said, if we’re being honest we’d probably be thrilled if we got an FCS transfer who ended his college experience here, went on to a nice NFL career, and referred to us has his alma mater. Of course, doesn’t mean we need to like it (or wouldn’t prefer the opposite to be true).

I know everyone’s first inclination is money whenever they see someone in the portal, and I’m a lot of cases it may be true. I’d be remiss if I didn’t say in this case I’d be surprised if he went to the highest bidder. A lot of times there’s more at play than what everyone sees. The rush to judgement here after everything he’s done for us astonishes me. I get that part of the anger comes from the great accomplishments he’s had with us and wishing there would be more. I’d argue we should focus on what has happened rather than what will happen with him. We have another MAC championship, he represented us in a great way and won a couple national awards.

Completely unrelated but I find myself laughing at all of the P5 school fan accounts thinking he’s going to their school. They love to vouch for players they’ve never heard of until they make national waves at smaller schools.


Very true on donor fatigue - it sets in after about 2 yrs - esp with portal movement.
As an FYI about the amounts- I know of a G5 sch who is paying two QBs $250K+. So yep - OSU with a $15-20M FB payroll will certainly pay a back-up QB ~$500k.


People in America complain:
-about the price of gas when it increases.
-about their property taxes being too high if they own a home.
-about their rent going up.
-about the price of groceries being a gouge.
-about their diminishing social security purchasing power.
-about how much they’ve saved for retirement.

They do all of the above even if they have disposable income!

Nope. This can’t last. Not with minnows funding it. Even wealthy minnows. I honestly think it’s ten years max and if I was being super aggressive, possibly five. Unless of course corporations take up the mantle. Or countries looking to have influence over ‘Murica want to throw money at players who they’ve never heard of. Then this NIL arms race might putter along at increasing scale for a good while. But that seems hard to fathom which is why I believe in the not-too-distant future, when donors to NIL’s are tapped out, the machine is going to be blinking “TILT.” For so many D1 colleges, it will go back to square one. What that is well, TBD. It can’t be this current state. It’s like watching an addicted gambler go deeper into the abyss. Next hand is gonna be the one that makes it all worthwhile.


I think in this case the frustration stems from him having entered the portal previously only to make a big announcement about coming back. And that was this offseason! I don’t blame anybody for being frustrated—college athletics is a clown show right now.


I totally get Graham wanting to leave last year after the season he had. I was disappointed, but I got it. But to say you’re coming back a second time and then enter the portal again? Just go already.