
Gotkowski has looked very good so far, I am just a casual observer but I would not be surprised to see him as #2 this fall.


I thought that is what you were hinting at. Let’s remember that Gabbert did not graduate early and get a Spring practice in before his first season.

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Glad to hear Gotkowski has looked good. I was really happy we were able to get him. Also glad that he’ll get to spend a year with Brett. He can learn a lot.


Yes, absolutely


The “experts “ do say that. However, coaches don’t. Picking up a seasoned #2 is always smart.


Picking up Hendrix was essential. The only other experienced QB we’ve transferred in was the kid who had played just a few downs at Michigan who never saw the field in his year at Miami. Maddox had played one game at Colorado.

WKU has had considerable success in picking up kids who had torn it up playing their system in FCS.


I believe 100% that we would’ve gone 0-12 again in 2014 if we didn’t have Hendrix. He single-handedly carried us behind a ruined o-line and unimpressive backs/receivers to our two wins and some other close games. Imo there’s a good chance we would’ve hit 6 wins in 2015 if he had another year of eligibility to start instead of Kummer/Bahl.


Truth is, I think he would have hit 10 wins with the team we have today. In many ways, he was the first to take a chance. Every program needs that first person who is a bit of a pioneer and takes that leap.

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I don’t think Maddox has the chops. Nothing personal, he seems like a fine young man.

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Re: Rashad. He sees two familiar opponents this fall…Toledo on Sept 14 and UMass on Nov 2. Good luck to him. Hoping he gets an education somewhere along the way. Nice kid…nice parents.


He’s doing this again? OK, now you can go and don’t look back.




Assume someone offered him a lot of money to leave

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He was interviewed two weeks ago after a practice. Just leave, I’m done.


Couple thoughts:

  1. Please acknowledge MU on draft day.
  2. Make sure it’s real money you are leaving for not promises.
  3. Next man up.
  4. Super awesome talent. Proud he was a Redhawk.

That leaves us with one PK on the spring roster. He kicked all three PAT he tried last season. I think we also have a recruited freshman PK coming in this fall.

Isn’t Dom still on the roster? Also, Graham’s position coach left so that very well may have contributed to his decision.

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I though Dom was primarily a Punter.

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All of this.

I remember a time not all that long ago when I would dread any field goal attempt longer than 30 yards. Back then, I never would have guessed we would have a Groza Award winner in the program. Glad he was part of the program. Just too bad he’s bolting now.