
I read that AV is projected starter. Happy for him. Have you checked on any of the other Miami players that left via the portal?

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A while back. The one I’m really interested in is Quez. Can’t see that he’s landed anywhere.

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I wish AV well and hope he has success at A&M. Would certainly prefer if he stayed, but completely get why he didn’t.


Yes, I actually forgot about him. I just checked On3 and nothing mentioned. I have a friend at 247 Sports. I’ll see if he has any info.

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Looks like some kind of NIL situation for Rashad. Photos announcing it are in his Miami uniform but it calls attention to his being in the transfer portal. Strange new world!


NIL allows athletes to earn money AND use the school name as they see fit?

So amos is staying

They can use the school logos but not to make $. So he can post his pic, videos, etc. but when he monetizes it, MU has a right to collect on their IP usage. Most schs have a policy - several ACC and SEC schs charge 12-14% for usage and others charge the IP fee to the brand via their MMR partner.


There is something off about the Amos situation to me. It’s clear he wants to play in the P5 and he wants NIL money. However, the entire narrative is being driven by his team and NIL reps.

If he really had an offer and committed to Washington, don’t you think the world would have heard about it? If he really had bonafide interest from the schools he mentioned, don’t you think the coaches of those respective programs would have made sure the word got out via recruiting news services? This is what happens with any recruiting target and exactly what happened with Amos/UNC.

I do not doubt that after the Spring Ball dust settles that Amos may indeed have some P5 offers and may get some NIL cash. But, at this point it strikes me that his team is trying to craft a narrative other than projecting a reality.


Yanks…I agree it has been a very strange portal experience - especially for a kid who just ran for 1075 yards, played on a G5 championship team and has two years of eligibility left. I assumed the On3 projection of UNC was highly likely because he’s from Atlanta. I think his folks were at every road game I attended - Miami of Florida, UMass, Ohio, the MAC ‘ship and the bowl game. I spoke with them at UMass and at Ohio. They seemed pleased with the Miami experience their son was having.

It was well publicized that his mom has had to deal with health issues do to cancer. Washington didn’t make any sense to me from that standpoint. Washington travel issues are brutal - seven home games in Seattle and one in either Oregon or Southern California and now additional trips to the Middle Atlantic and Midwest.

As a Washington grad school alum and fan who follows the Dawgs closely, I never saw any indication that UW had him on the radar- under either DeBoer or Fisch.


I could be in the minority here but this is what happens when you get outside influence that is only really looking to promote themselves and not the player. Someone got in his ear and told him about all the money that was out there and it appears they didn’t really have a clue what they are doing. I bet if he was doing this on his own he would either still be in a Miami uniform or he would have committed somewhere else.


I think you nailed it.


He could have been an amazing talent and record holder like a Travis Prentice type RB. Sad to see him go and not end and stay at a school that would make him a superstar and NFL ready like….uhhhh ………. MU?


That’s a major problem with NIL and unlimited portal entries. There’s no clearinghouse for valuations (ON3 is only about 70% accurate) and many handlers/uncles are trying to broker kids out with no/bad info.
Collective bargaining (without Univ employment hopefully) might be a way to settle via advance and recoup methods somewhat similar to buyouts in coach contracts.


Rashad’s Instagram posting surfaced again today. Here’s the group representing him - referring to their services as agency. I thought hiring an “agent” was disqualifying. Did NIL change this? Nobody connected with the firm is a lawyer.

This seems to be far more of a push for NIL money than playing time and a place to finish the education.

Just got a text from a friend that said his sons both got cut today during their exit interviews after spring game. FCS school. Kids are model students, no trouble and their scholarships were not renewed. So you can copy and paste all day long the ncaa rules. It happens. Everywhere and all the time.

That’s a sad deal. If they are close to graduating I wonder if they stay as walkon’s? Finding a new school is so disruptive

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Not sure I understand the reference to the NCAA rules there, that seems totally aligned with what I said about the NCAA rules.

FWIW, 247 has Amos rated the #2 overall prospect in the portal


Can NCAA football players have agents?

NIL rules in all states allow players to sign agents who will help secure endorsements, appearances, and the like. And they’ll take their cut like they do for other clients. Players can also sign with lawyers and tax experts to help with their finances and contracts.Jan 17, 2024

This guy appears to be Amos’actual agent.