
I do not believe that Miami (or most other schools) are telling kids that are following the rules of the program to “hit the portal”. Frank conversations about the likelihood of playing time if they stay, however, are common.


It all comes down to recruiting. If there is fat on a roster it is because poor recruiting occurred over a period of time

I do agree on volatility in today’s NIL / transfer portal world. And the successful programs will be able to recruit (albeit in a different channel) to overcome it

Loyalty is a two way street. Everybody has seen even loyal employees get laid off at the first sign of trouble. Employees who prove themselves to be competent get rewarded with more work, not more pay. When positions open up, companies virtually always hire externally rather than allow someone internal to move up.

People respond to incentives. Right now the incentives make it clear that the only way to progress in your career in the modern world is to job hop every couple years and that anyone failing to do so is a sucker.


My company promotes from within religiously


Like whoever prays the most or tithes the most?

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I think what both RedSea and Quinoaburger say is true. Different companies have differing philosophies.

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I see what you did there. Lol

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You would be incorrect. I know several personally. Quote. “ You need to hit the portal, there is no place for you here. This isn’t personal, it’s business. We need your scholarship.”

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Not necessarily. Covid year, redshirts stacked players. Player’s who played 5 years are now playing 6,7 years. Look at Gabbert. Players get hurt, players transfer. The roster changes faster than ever today. So it’s very difficult to manage the roster. Teams have a finite number of scholarships. So kids are told to hit the portal. Period. This has absolutely happened.

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I’m guessing some are told they can stay on as non-scholarship players if they want to remain on the scout team with no hope of ever playing, pay their own way and remain a student at Miami.

Maybe, I’ve never actually heard that though.

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So it they yank a scholly they make them turn in their gear and leave the building, too? I suppose that makes sense so pulled attitudes don’t poison the locker room.

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Pfff, ask me what nearly 26 years (20 of those as a minority shareholder) of loyal service to a company gets you.


What is…a terabyte of old PowerPoints for $200!


Edit: don’t want to turn this thread into one outside of athletics


Ballcoach, are the individuals you are aware of that were told to “hit the portal” fifth years or students who were accorded extra eligibility due to covid?

I would be very disappointed if we were pulling scholarships from athletes whoose sole issue was a lack of on field production. But, I don’t feel we have a moral obligation to hold a scholarship for an athlete after they have had a reasonable opportunity to graduate, solely because they have eligibility remaining.

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Yes, they stay in school and finish the semester but are instantly cut off from the facilities and team.


Dude. Awesome, awesome results. Sucks they didn’t compensate you those sweet coins and bills you were owed but it doesn’t diminish your accomplishment. Well done.

Well, the players I’m aware of were younger players. Freshmen. I’m sure there are examples of older players too. I have had this discussion with a few different coaches, players, and even parents. This is happening. I’m sure the coaches hate it. I have heard CM voice his frustration with trying to manage a roster these days. Like someone said earlier, unintended consequences.

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It’s a harsh world!

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