
I think this needs to be shouted from the mountain tops all across the land.


How many of these are players who weren’t going to have a roster spot next year anyways and decide to test the waters to see if they can play somewhere else? Not all portal entries are players jumping up a level.

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I agree. Remember though, 50% or more of players in the portal are told to leave. There’s no way to gauge it but I know a bunch. Superstars leave, the other players typically want to stay with their teammates, friends etc…


True. They are cut. Told to leave because there is no place for them. Most of the time with little or no notice. Tough on kids for sure.

50% or more are cut? That seems high to me. Who from Miami was cut?

Yes - most don’t know the whole story - not really the kid’s (Amos) fault either. Sometimes people listen to the wrong influencer.


I didn’t say a player was cut from Miami. However, when you see a backup leave inexplicably, they were likely told to leave.

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Maybe not explicitly told to leave but told their scholarship will not be renewed the following semester. There are a lot of kids playing athletic scholarship college football these days who don’t have the wherewithal to attend college without significant (meaning almost 100%) student aid.it really puts them in a bind when their scholarship is yanked. Many of them are recruited student athletes from out of state - which compounds the financial woes even more.

At the bowl game, CM stressed that he wanted the kids to experience the theme parks because many of them had never taken a family vacation.


Maybe on3 isnt up to date but of the Miami people listed on the outbound I would think only one could possibly be a scholarship non renewal

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Look at 2023…perhaps 7 or 8.


So it went from 4 years scholarships to 1 year renewable (keep your nose clean and go to class) and now it’s semester to semester?

If schools are parting ways with 4th stringers, then maybe they should also look at reduced rosters.

And if schools have this kind of disloyalty to kids, then no one should preach about kids having more loyalty to schools


I believe the truth is that athletic scholarship have never been four year scholarships. They have been one year renewables from a legal perspective. However, most schools honored the scholarships for four years because of the transfer rules. They understood that the athlete was more or less tied to the school unless they sat out for a year.

With the introduction of the transfer portal that has changed. The schools no longer look at it as the athlete is tied to the school. If the athlete can leave the school it also has no obligation beyond the one year. There is always a cause and effect in the world. We are seeing it. The transfer portal is great for some. It is also disastrous for others in that they will never get the college education they thought they would get.


I wonder how the “Amos in Limbo” situation affects the couple of freshman RBs recently recruited? Were they told as part of their recruitment that the RB slot was wide open and they would have a chance to play immediately.

NIL has really hurt the concept of TEAM…as we watch what has become a free agency casino go crazy. I recall a P-5 coach (might have been Saban) saying that kids have 2 questions during recruiting: 1) Will I play immediately? and 2) How much will I get paid?

Can’t wait until fall when kids and coaches start bitching about all the cross-country travel for games.


I think sometime in the 70s it was changed to 1 year renewable

I also think around 2015? the P5 put a rule in place that a scholarship couldn’t be renewed based on athletic performance

Agree that the portal has changed things….but the notion that schools are pulling scholarships semester to semester and/or for athletic performance reasons is a circle I can’t square

It was Saban. The one silver lining of D1 athletics was learning the TEAM concept. That now is being destroyed


It’s a topic for somewhere else but it’d be interesting to see how the NIL lack of loyalty to a team carries over into the workplace where as I’ve heard from several friends still in the business world that many young hires are working on their resumes while at work…and are looking to jump to another company/ employer ASAP…As Soon As Pay can be increased. At least fewer gold watches need to be purchased.

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Why would it affect the new RBs? Amos is not at Miami and as of now he is not in the plans for the fall. Unless someone on here knows for sure Amos is coming back, this should have no impact on all the current RBs.

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Yes, I’ve been saying this for a couple of years. Portal and NIL changed the relationship. These kids are employees. Something to consider. Coaches get rid of 3rd/4th stringers for a different reason. The roster is so volatile that you may need a position filled that you didn’t see coming. So, you look to a position where there is fat, extra players, and you cut one loose. You need 3 O lineman and you have 12 DB’s you cut a 4th string guy. Doesn’t mean they recruited wrong, also doesn’t mean the kid isn’t talented. Kid still gets screwed though.

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I worked 36 years with the same organization. Never got a gold watch when I retired! Lol


The company has no loyalty to them, so I’m not sure why they would have loyalty to the company.