
I cant speak for the players like you seem to be able to. But judging by their reaction to when Brett announced he was coming back, they seemed thrilled to see him come “crawling back”.


Part of being successful in life is being flexible and able to adapt to change and find the best way to use it to your advantage. Nick Saban just retired because he did not want to deal with it or find new ways to get the job done. I would say Coach Martin has been more successful than most older coaches at adapting to the transfer portal and making it work for him.


He did, but if you rewind a year ago when Brett left he was already hitting the portal to bring in guys like Amos, Larvadain, MacDonald, and Kopp (plus past additions like Egwu and Marshall). Chuck was definitely a bit more anti-transfer and generally conservative early in his tenure (see his not so subtle jabs at Fleck) but he’s been a lot more open since the COVID season.


I said nothing about using the Portal. My post was about players from our team leaving and how CM talked shit about them once in the portal.

Not sure why you responded to me with that?? My post was regarding kids departing Oxford for greener pastures. CM wasn’t keen on those kids. No clue what you are talking about.

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I’ve never heard CM say anything bad about players leaving. And I’ve listened to pretty much every presser or interview he’s given. At worst, he’s maybe said it was best for both parties that a kid should enter the portal. But I’ve never heard him single a player out. I’m sure you can provide some examples though


He says it to the players. By the way, I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t like it in most cases either. I also would have let Gabbert come back. Knowing that it might have opened the floodgates but how do you not let that guy back.


Most programs are in the process of launching their spring practice sessions. The rosters of three schools predicted to be possible landing spots for Rashad Amos - UNC, Colorado, and Tennessee - do not list him as a team member. Any news on what might have become of him?

Anything new on Rashad Amos landing pad?


Anyone know where Jacques Warren ended up. I don’t see him on any of the ACC rosters in NC, nor is he on ECU’s roster. He’s from Durham.


Last I heard he had not been picked up

That is a bit of a shock. He was a very good MAC DB from a championship team. Suprised he’s not on a P5 spring roster somewhere.

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I was very concerned that he’d hit the portal. When most of the top guys agreed to return, while he was not one who went public, he didn’t jump to the portal. I was hoping he was staying, but was not surprised he entered the portal. There are two guys (Amos/Warren) who don’t have a place to play spring ball.
Maybe they want to finish and get their degree. I hope they both had a realistic plan when they made their decision. No idea if Chuck would let them come back. I doubt it at this point (time spent in portal/missing spring ball).




? New Mexico? Amos or Warren?

What’s up with this?

Best NIL deal??

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One 3 has been showing him as 100% UNC. I don’t think that’s happening. He’s not on the Heels’ spring roster. I assume he’s no longer in school at Miami but who knows?

I saw something on twitter suggesting amos was transferring to Washington but that fell through when the coach took the Bama job