
The problem is that G-5 guys portalling out are already “developed products,” with film readily available on them and able to be evaluated relatively easily by P-5 blood sucking coaches with NIL deals in their pockets while, in reverse, guys portalling in from P-5 to G-5 probably haven’t played very much at their prior place of “employment” and the G-5 coaches have to make educated guesses. CM has had remarkable luck and I’d say, so far, he has held his own in a very challenging shifting of talent up and down the ladder.

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We didn’t know McKee, Dowell, Suttle, Ugwu, Larvadain etc. You have to trust the process to fill the holes.


Remember, for a guy like Gage at least, , there were Southeastern Louisiana fans bemoaning us for poaching him prior to last season. It’s just the nature of the beast right now. Those that want to stay will stay. Trust the staff to fill in the holes where needed. And keep rooting for the Miami laundry. C’est la vie.


Is it poaching if he recruited the players originally?

During the same era we also lost Godlevske, Phelps. Feth, Schaefer, Butler and Saunders. All of them started at P5. Pace started at UC and is the NFL. Shelton became Louisiana Tech’s leading rusher this season. Singleton started at DB for the Bulldogs.

It’s a struggle just to come out close to even.

Shouldn’t there be at least the same number of P5 players transferring down to G5 as G5 transferring up?

I mean, Amos was buried in the depth chart, worked his way up ok to #1 back here and probably into a solid backup role in P5

Woullard is still a little undersized for P5 DE but has developed nicely. Isn’t there a 3rd stringer, out of the main rotation in P5 (see Ugwu, Suttle) that might just be looking for PT?

Id forget about high school recruiting class rankings and see if Chuck can pull a top 5 portal class


It was a joke.


=>Gage offered by Minny, the Herd, and Tulane.

Penny Boone is in the portal.

One thing is for sure…

P.J. Fleck likes they guys Chuck has recruited and developed to row his boat.

Rowan Zolman (signed with Minny last year after going into portal). (Of note, it does not appear that he got into any games this year)

Larvadain offer
Woullard offer

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Chuck and staff can find and develop talent. Being a P5 coach and poaching talent without really developing much be a lot easier than what our staff does.


How is he a traitor. We fired him, mostly because of our posters constantly complaining about him.

Not a bad strategy. I think we all agree that Chuck knows talent, for the most part.

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Oh, he was fired? I must have missed that.

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I think what happened is that we bitched about the offense so much that our AD likely told our coach that we had to replace Koehler, who Chuck liked. So Koehler was moved into some sort of a scouting/ stats analysis position until he could find a better job, which did not take too long to happen.Probably Chuck gave him a strong recommendation. So while he was not officially fired, he was effectively forced out but was helped to find a suitable poison elsewhere.


Makes sense. I don’t think Koehler was great, but 2022 offense wasn’t his fault.

Again, it was a joke. Sorry I tried to use humor.

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Looks like Woullard added an Oklahoma offer. And Missouri

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I find it hard to believe that Sayler would tell Martin who to hire/fire and especially cant believe it would be the result of the 100 people on this fan board

But I did think the play calling was way better this year when had our pieces

No more automatic 2nd and 10 run up the middle


Pardon the following “metaphysical” rant but here’s another interpretation of the portal.

In the Catholic religion (it’s what I was in my younger days), Purgatory was a place where souls went to do penance for their sins before being admitted to heaven; failure to recant past misgivings would leave no other option than hell.

So a kid from a G-5 goes into the portal which I consider a purgatory-like place. If you’re deemed worthy enough (your tapes are good and you interview well) you will gain admission to a P-5 school (heaven calls, usually with money accompanying the upward journey. If your tapes don’t sell your bona-fides or you are a very poor interview aka, culturally misaligned, you get sent back…to hell with no money and a bad life ahead of you.

However, perhaps the common narrative is really reversed for the majority of “souls” who attempt to reach heaven.Statistically, the reality is that very few portal-purgatory kids swept up by an eager P-5 coach ever make it to the NFL; some quickly blow through whatever money they’ve been paid and many simply do not earn a college degree. If so, then they have actually entered hell by their act of playing portal purgatory. Meanwhile, the kid who is not picked up through the portal returns to his former school with no money and no “higher calling.” I would submit that that kid has actually entered heaven because he can still play football, get an education, earn a degree and make a better longer-term life for himself and whatever family surrounds him.

OK…bad to reality.