Other college football games 2024

Pitt pins 73 on YSU. Eli is good.


Candle underachieves every single year.


UNLV QB announces he’ll be transferring after three games and 3-0 start. Rumors are that another program approached him with NIL money to redshirt the rest of the season then transfer, he basically demanded $300K from the Rebs, and they told him it’s not happening. I’m not opposed to players getting money from endorsements and other avenues that weren’t allowed for all of NCAA history, but this crap is literally tampering that would get you fined draft picks in the NFL.



300K for an average QB in college? In the meantime, I met one of my students at Starbucks this morning, working their tails off to graduate with no debt. Free college tuition + meals + housing + stipend … isn’t that really enough?


How many students can work at Starbucks? How many can be effective FBS starting QBs? Free market at work. Same reason an NFL QB makes more than a teacher.

That said: a player abandoning their team and teammates midseason over money is shameful unless UNLV really did something dirty to him.


Mercenary college football is so different from anything we fell in love with years ago. Scholarship athletes in major programs were always considered somewhat apart from the rest of the student body because they weren’t paying for their college. But they were bonafide students the other students got to know over two or three years in class and on campus.

I’m not sure students on campuses will have the same affinity for mercenaries who play a year for their school for half a million dollars, drive Maseratis, live off campus in nice condos and take classes on Zoom.

But I guess I’ve finally evolved into an old man yelling at the clouds.


This is what you get when you have people other than the coaching staff recruiting and making promises. From the kid’s statement he was promised money that he is not getting. So you can see his side. Money changes everything. This player was not at UNLV for the love of the game or because he loved the university. I guess we will be seeing more of this.


The flip side of the coin when looking at it from a business/market angle is: How much value is this kid bringing to the “organization” (collectives, universities, community, business partners, etc.)? Is a QB at UNLV really bringing over 500K in value to deserve a 300K salary? Maybe that is true at Georgia or the other Miami. But for a university that has half of the endowment our Miami has and that could use 300K in so many more fruitful ways, this is completely nuts.


Love the school, not the players

Wow! It is absolutely disgusting and disturbing to see what has happened to college sports.

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I think we are gonna have a lot of Sluka says vs UNLV says but if this is the case, hard to fault him too much. This is why this NIL wild west is terrible for schools and players. Verbal promises from random coaches off the record can’t be how business is done, both to protect players and schools.



A young man leaving Las Vegas with a lot less money than he thought he would? Isn’t the first time.


Sounds like UNLV was overpaying. And he has an all-american candidate WR to throw to.

Houston - 6/13 for 71 yds
Utah Tech -8/17 for 161 yds
Kansas - 7/18 for 88 yds

Right, but 3-0. Guy is a winner. I bet he goes to JMU and reunites with his old coach who just hung 70 on UNC.

Houston - 11 carries, 59 yards
Utah Tech - 9 carries, 70 yards
Kansas - 19 carries, 124 yards

3-0 with 2 power conference wins, including a top 25 opponent.

Hard to feel bad for the family when their agent didn’t even follow business 101: always see it in writing. If he was getting strung along they should’ve said no. Dad acting like they didn’t know what was going on, tough luck


The only good news is that a top 25 UNLV cant even afford $100k for a starting QB. That might mean that we can compete with the rest of G4.

Sounds like this is a leverage issue - Blueprint who runs their collective (and many others) is known for being a bit suspect and over promising. He knows if he pulls the plug now he can redshirt and UNLV who is on a heater and front runner for CFP can ill afford losing their QB. Apparently he over played his hand but will likely cash in next yr on much more than the $3k being reported.
I’d think more contract renegotiation or transfers will be reported this wk due to redshirt rules.


You must mean 300k.

Nope - he was paid $3K and supposedly the collective was working on a $3K/mo stipend. He’s now claiming a $100K promise (no paper trail), so I’m just going off what’s been paid for now. If I agreed to $100K I sure as heck wouldn’t accept $3K as a down pmt to move to LV - something doesn’t sound right here. It’s all slimy