Kent State Game Week 2023

Aveon should be in

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He played the ones on offense the entire game - a 20 point win. Why?


Good win; congrats to the players and coaches! Lets diversify our run scheme and develop that short passing game/play action!! Good thing is that we have a few more games before our back half starts!

Miami 23
Kent 3

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A 20 point road win is a 20 point road win.


A college football game that ended in a time that is short of 3.5 hours? Chuck really is an old school coach.

I would’ve like us to dominate a lot more than we did on both sides of the ball, but any time you can win by 20 for a road conference game isn’t a bad day. FWIW we did cover 14.5 so it’s not like we just beat Delaware State by “only” 20.

Need to keep up the momentum at home against BG next week, they’re a bit of an enigma but they’re showing what they’re capable of against GT now. Take them and WMU down so we can enter the Toledo game at 6-1.


I will never understand this trait in CM.


It’s like the total opposite philosophy of Dabo’s. He tries to put away as many teams as he can as early as possible so everyone in his program gets to play. I think he set a record for participation against an FCS team a couple years ago when more than 100 kids got into a single game. He also doesn’t have lots of kids transferring out.

James Franklin has done a good job of getting his players in as well this year. Could also be a tactic to burn redshirts to keep them at the same school…


Considering the weakness of our annual FCS opponent and the softness of the bottom of the MAC, a reasonable goal would be to get everybody four appearances with some playing time running Miami’s schemes.

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Any update on Gage for next week?

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Kids are much less likely to transfer if they see game time. I mean any game time too. Not putting kids in blow outs is basically telling a kid he has no future there. Not to mention CM misses out on developing backups that may be needed this year and certainly needed next year. I sure hope Gabbert is back. We do not have a QB ready after him.


Aveon has to be rusty.

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I went today. It was a great Ksu
Crowd but they didnt have much to cheer. I am glad for the win. Kents qb isnt very good. I thought we were meh today. Martin was very
conservative all day. Kent had trouble with fast and wide and we never ran a jet sweep and only a couple quick passes to the edge. And then we get up 20 and ran multiple tight ends with no effectiveness at all.

I really thought the play calling was much better the last couple weeks- but the last six quarters is back to run-run-run. Worked against Delaware State not today

BUT a 20 POINT ROAD WIN is a good thing. Probably need more and Gage next weeks vs BG


I was also at the game.
Yes, Miami left points on the field.
But, the positive I saw was that we were good enough to earn a MAC road win by playing a conservative, business-like game.
In recent years, we couldn’t do that.
This afternoon, we could.


Hate to be a broken record, but has Martin said anything about Gage?

Martin rarely says anything definitive unless it’s an out for the season injury like Colditon’s this year snd Vaughn’s last year. He was even cagey about injuries like last season’s arm injury to Eli Blakey that sidelined him for the rest of the year mid to late season. He basically flirts around the injury issue with non-descript phases like “we’re sore” or “nothing we’re really concerned about” even if that’s not accurate.

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I’m fine with that. The public has no business knowing the medical details of students.

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