Kent State Game Week 2023

My feed is fine

Duffey’s in Orlando for last 30 min

Think my Roku crapped out. Seems ok now.

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Reghi thinking that Scott Frost is coaching BG instead of Scot Loefler lol.

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Be nice to run the ball now.

Looks like Brett came down kinda hard on his throwing hand there.

We look generally out of sync. Maybe time for Aveon so Brett is not killed.

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Smith should be in up by 20


That was a disappointing series -especially since a long time-eating drive would strangle Kent and seal the deal.

Hope Gabbert is ok . Still up by 20.

BG leads Ga. Tech at the half 17-14

Glad it looks like we will win but this a realistically a game we should have won by 40 and had all the backups in at half. Cue the Chuck platitudes about how every Mac game is a grind. I just wish we would play well consistently in stead of playing down to competition. I’ll take it as still aglow from UC win!


I’m actually glad to see Gabbert in right now, just to see he is fine after taking that hit.

Now get him out of there so he doesn’t take another hit.

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Can’t complain up by 20 on the road. If Miami hangs on its a good win.

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Granted, Sloman ended up being an absolute beast… but it took time for every kick to feel like a lock.

Nicholson reached that “lock” status basically from the first day.

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You nailed it. There have been at least three drives now where we looked like we weren’t even pressing for first downs. I don’t think I’ll ever understand the CM coaching philosophy.


Under 5 mins left. 4-1 and 1-0


Graham is the Miami GOAT

Both teams under 300 yards offense.

Nice win congrats coaches and players

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