Kent State Game Week 2023

Kent appeared to have a 75-yard TD pass… but it’s called back on a penalty.

BTW, Graham N. is about to set the record for best FG% made in Miami history at over 80%

Graham is at like 79.7% right now after his last FG

Sports bar lost feed . No surprise with Plus

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Terrible series

Strange play calling

I’m glad we have a good kicker, but we need to start cashing in on these red zone opportunities.

Thank goodness for Nicholson.

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3rd and goal from the 12 is exactly when you want to call a straight QB draw with your injury prone QB who has limited mobility.

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This low energy defense and field goal offense might get it done today, but it won’t against Toledo and OU. I haven’t seen Larvadain play so that’s part of it, but for as great as he’s been we aren’t so dependent on him that it explains our offensive malaise today.

Crowd really emptied out after halftime, at least we’re far from the only school where that happens (and one of our sidelines isn’t made up of high school bleachers and circus tents).


Disconcerting signals? Sounds like what I’d get from most dates when I was single.


Graham at this moment is now our Miami history leader at FG% - 42 of 52


Definitely needed that one!

Great stat includes lots of long kicks.

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We finally punch it in! Great run by First Name, Last Name.

23-3 Miami late 3rd


Was out wine tasting all day and now tuning in to see we are winning. Good fall day



(Or as the ESPN graphic claimed “FIRSTNAME LASTNAME”)

Saw score 23-3. Stil frozen at sports bar. NOW hopefully D does not play soft.

I loved Sloman, but I feel less nervous whenever Nicholson lines up for a field goal.

That TD is very nice, takes us to a three-possession game. I would’ve liked seeing less bend-but-don’t-break out of the D, but they’ve kept KSU off the board pretty well.

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Anyone else’s feed just freeze?