Kent State Game Week 2023

These brick hands are ridiculous

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outside receiver was open for TD. We look discombobulated.

I know Chuck finds the sweater vest iconic but looks like s bad choice given how profusely he is sweating.

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He just wants to get t shade now

Why did we want the ball back to do nothing with it?

Why do we not throw some deep balls to the outside with that amount of time left. The prevent offense in full force

Calls timeout to leave over a minute for a drive to close the half

Runs the ball up the middle and lets the clock run

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I don’t get it. Why call time out before the punt if you’re essentially just going to take a knee when getting the ball back?

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What a shitty in game coaching decision. At midfield with a t/o


Well we padded the running stats with those 2 plays.

Miami 13
Kent 3

We weren’t at midfield, but I still don’t understand why they don’t try for more points there.

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I’ll never understand the waiving of the white flag with 2 TOs and over 1 minute left in the half. GO FOR THE DANG POINTS!!! And its not just a Chuck Martin thing… all these coaches do this and it isnt right. Army goes for the 4th down in their own territory because the new analytics tell them they should and it gives them the best chance to win! and they get it! Maybe ChatGP AI needs to make the offensive decisions for Miami as our coaches are cowards!

Most of these coaches throughout CF and NFL are copycat followers. Like 5% of these coaches think for themselves and are the innovators of the game. Same with recruiting. “well so and so didnt or did offer this player so I should or shouldn’t” And I understand they are trying to play it safe to keep their paycheck, but damn, this is silly.

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Well at least are up 10. Horrible play calling.


I can see the rationale to make a shaky special teams unit (I’m assuming Kent’s isn’t great) punt and cover, and if we wound up with meh field position like we did we run it out. That doesn’t hold a ton of water imo since Kent is getting the ball to start the 3rd and we had two timeouts.

Lackluster half against a lousy team. Could be worse than 13-3, but I want to see some energy out there so we end the 3rd around 27-6 so we can put backups in late in the game.

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Yes, happy to be up by 10, just think we left potential points on the board.

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Not attempting a last minute drive is especially crazy given that we have a good kicker.

I suppose it can be considered a positive that we mostly played like crap and we’re still up by double digits at the half on the road against a conference opponent.

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Agree - We can kick a FG from 50-ish with OK success.

We now know why MAC FB tickets are priced about the same as Jr. High games.

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Lazy defense bailed out by Kent’s incompetence there.

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