Hockey Coaching Search

Haha, if we ever have anyone that’s drafted by the Hurricanes, you know I’ll be all in on this section to keep tabs on them!


That will be nice, I’ve integrated myself into some other fandoms just to see how it is and I love how active the discourse is, especially during games.

I was watching a behind the scenes video of the 2009-2010 team earlier and it’s crazy seeing goggin lined up with fans, students camped up on the floor trying to get in, everyone excited watching a hawks home sweep (not to mention bergeron, blasi, brekke, and petraglia in the same room breaking down the game). As a relatively new fan, that sounds like a dream (the fans and winning part, not the coaches part)!

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Welcome! :ninja::popcorn::closed_umbrella:

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Welcome aboard to all of you. You have and will make this the best board in all of sport’s land. Now go out and recruit.


Are you speaking for everyone?

Back to lurking.

The Miller read is very disturbing. Based on this behavior beginning in 1st or 2nd grade you have to put a lot of this on the parents. What 6/7 year old has anyone met that behaved even close to this poorly without it being a direct reflection of the parents? A common refrain seems to be that at 14 he should have known better and at 18-19 he should have had the mental and emotional tools to deliver a sincere apology to the family. With those parents I’m not sure why anyone would think that’s possible.
Maybe getting away from the parents when he began playing in the USHL was the start of him finally having the room to begin to grow into a better person and I don’t fault Noreen for wanting to continue to help him there. Now if two plus years later he’s still not grown enough to show remorse to the family well then f-him but that really isn’t a poor reflection on Noreen in my eyes.


The MHT board was a great place for me to waste time at night after my toddler went to bed and I was stuck at home as a single mom…not to mention everybody who encouraged me to try to make the trip to the Frozen Four (and helped hook me up with tickets!). Even as bitter and salty as I still am (and probably always will be!) about the outcome of the national championship game, I had such an amazing time and met so many awesome hawktalkers who I’m still friends with today!


People do CRAZY stuff for hockey on this board, like close down bars on Alaska time.


That was a rough day for sure. But yeah, the old MHT threads used to be booming on game nights. I miss that. Hopefully we’ll see a resurgence this fall.


Haven’t heard that reference in a while, lol! Definitely a triple-word score tile on the MHT scrabble board.


Yep, The I Bar I believe. Your quest for pain relievers the next day was epic. The hot springs seemed to help.


The kid seems like a sh!t, but he apologized, seems to have suffered some negative consequences and has been exiled to a sh!tty Asian country…anyways…is our contention that by supporting this kid, it somehow makes Noreen’s hire questionable. This isn’t directed towards you specifically, but the board

Yeah the kids NHL and NCAA careers were ruined the people got what they wanted so I can see both sides on Noreen’s stance. I’m not saying I’m showing up to the press conference Tuesday with a pitchfork calling for him to be fired i just might be side eyeing his recruits and double checking for any bad history. Wouldn’t want our locker room to suffer from bad apples

Noreen is already doing wonders for our program with the recruiting/retention he’s started


He seems like solid hire. As far as recruiting kids with an aggressive history of bullying…hopefully proper vetting is done and the kid has matured prior to getting an offer from Miami…


For what it is worth

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Was just about to post that. Spent time as an assistant at Tri-City before moving to his current role with the USNTDP. These connections to the USHL and USNTDP can be crucial in getting the type of players needed to compete in the NCHC. Granted, he was only with the NTDP for a few months.


Noreen discussed building out a staff in the podcast linked above. He wants guys whose goal is to one day be a head coach. He stressed there’s of course nothing wrong with finding out that being an assistant is actually the right gig for you. But when he selects assistants, he wants people who want to eventually be a head coach, as opposed to wanting to be the best goalie coach out there or what have you. It’s a mindset thing. It appears Nies would fit this mold, having worked both as a traditional assistant and as a player personnel/recruiting director on the junior levels. Obviously you need to do both to be a head coach.


And I just wanted to put it in here so people know about it and aren’t panicking if they stumble across an Anthony Noreen is racist tweet :joy:

I’m getting more excited by the day that he’s now our coach. And it’s been hard to get excited about miami hockey recently