Hockey Coaching Search

I’ll check it out.

You’re correct,post has been corrected.

…he mostly seems to want to fire pretty much everyone Sayler has hired.


I was not want them to fire Chuck (sic) irregardless (see what I did there?) of his to (sic) mac titles. And while I prefer that you not lump all of us together, I have to admit that you do make a compelling argument. So, based on the incredibly thoughtful prose outlining the ironclad argument presented above, I rescind my previous support for Noreen. Fire his ass before he gets to his presser.

JFC, where do these people come from?

Back to lurking.


All I did was ask what’s bad about the hire. What’s bad about it?

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They should of hired an college head coach ushl is juniors

So let me get this straight,

You don’t like the Noreen hire because he is not a college head coach.

However, you thought Sayler should have hired Jermaine Henderson, who never was a college head coach, over Travis Steele, who was a head coach in a Power 5 conference.

Got it. Now I understand where you are coming from.


Don’t try to understand it


Great hire-perhaps the best line up of coaches in all sports at Miami in a long time- now lets get NIL figured out.

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Boston College is interested in this idea of not hiring a guy whose only head coaching experience is in the USHL and would like to learn more about why hiring one is a bad thing.

Layered. Nuanced. Modus pollens yet also modus tollens. I’m in.


Seems like a solid hire. I wonder how much his off-ice accomplishments played a role in Sayler’s decision. It seems like in hockey especially, the off ice responsibilities are more important than coaching.


I’m not a fan of driving the bus over someone who has been thrown under it, but I’ll tell a really quick story about that.

Team USA had a traveling schedule in 1987-88 prior to the 1988 Olympics, and it played a game at whatever they’re calling the rink in downtown Cincinnati. Cathy, 15 years old at the time, went to the game and bought a program.

In April of 2022, we decided to visit Dubuque and scout Hallen, Demsey and Feenstra (not knowing Kumlin would also join the RedHawks from that team).

Greg Brown was Dubuque’s coach, and Cathy remembered that he played on that Team USA team, and after communicating with the team’s broadcaster, we told him we would bring it up. When we got to the rink in Dubuque, we showed the broadcaster, and he said ‘Greg’s got to see this’.

I said, it’s five minutes until warm-ups, you sure this is a good time? He said it would be fine.

We walk over the Greg’s office, and he thought the program was awesome. He thumbed through it for a minute, talked to us for a couple more and said if there was anything we needed to let him know.

Compare that to five years ago, when Cathy (who was an off-ice official for the Cyclones while the former head coach played there) and I met Bergeron after he was hired by Miami, and Cathy was able to recall some specific moments of seeing his career, and Bergeron said he didn’t remember and didn’t seem particularly interested in talking to us about his IHL days even though there was no one else around.

Guess which guy is now coaching the top-ranked team in Division I and which one just lost his D-1 job?


that reminds me. I was coachin’ in Omaha in 1948 and Eddie Shore sends me this guy…

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I’m listening to a podcast Noreen did a couple years ago and he’s talking about how influential Wil Nichol (current VGK director of player development) was in teaching him how to be a head coach and how his mentorship really taught him everything he knows. Well Nichol got his start at Miami under guess who, Rico Blasi and learned everything from him😂

It really feels kind of full circle listening to our new coach talk about how he’s under Rico’s coaching tree. Has me cracking up at 3am we really thought we got away from him


But my goodness that green smoothie he drinks sounds nasty

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THE 20 INGREDIENT ONE :nauseated_face::nauseated_face: I would try it just out of pure curiosity even though I hate protein powder and veggies in my smoothies.

Interesting the part when he talks about the process of hiring assistant coaches and how he wants young guys that are vying for a head coach job. Maybe gives us some insight as to who else we might see behind the bench.

Also, the hosts weren’t wrong when they said he might be the most good looking guy in hockey lol

I’ll have to finish the podcast another time, I need to get at least some sleep😂

I was also doing a little digging on Twitter and found a little controversy he was involved in a couple years ago. He apparently has a history of letting players with certain character issues play on his team. This especially came to light when he let a kid who was a (convicted) racist bully back on Tri-City Storm after he was dropped from North Dakota’s team (lowkey shocking) and was dropped by the NHL team that drafted him.

Choose for yourself whether or not you agree with his decision but Noreen went on record strongly defending the kid and got even more crap for it when he and the kid won USHL honors at the end of the season (there were also some that applauded him for what he said). To be fair, Noreen wasn’t defending the kid’s actions (which had happened years earlier), just the fact that he was allowed to play on the team.

I personally didn’t agree with some things he said in defense of this dude but I don’t have a massive problem with the situation as long as he’s stopped recruiting bad guys. Miami doesn’t need that and I’m not tryna root for Austin Swanklers in the red and white come October :joy: