Great Job Coaches

Why should we not compare ourselves to other non Power 5 conferences/schools. Are those not our “peers”? Whether the polls are valid or not is a different discussion, but it seems totally fair and legitimate to compare ourselves with other G5 schools.


Five (and counting). Found time to sneak into Fisher Hall during my time there!


Used to sit on the porch at twilight and listen to the pigeons and bats up in the tower. Especially spooky in late October…

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I lived in Denny’s my freshman year 1980-1981.

Agree completely! One particularly negative poster seems to have forgotten that a program like Charlotte is in the American now and New Mexico is in the MWC. And then there’s always that collection of programs now in CUSA. There is no reason we should not aspire to being in the top quarter of the G5.

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How was the Breakfast?

Anyway back to this…eh, there was certainly a smattering of positivity during the game and afterwards…

Let’s break it down…offense scored what, 34? UMass likely robbed of a TD? This was a one score game, that had really poor 3rd down execution, poor ball security and one dimensional play for the most part.

On the positive side, new OL moved some guys, protected Brett better or enough for Gage to dominate…D played really well for a half and/or in key moments.

But a bit concerning we have not seen more Mozee, or Marshall or Muersch or passes to Davis, etc.

Anyway I think everyone came away hopeful for improved play on that performance, as I don’t think UMass is terrible actually…but I think most are concerned a rude awakening is coming vs UC, unless the coaches show a wrinkle in game plan (i.e., that more than two guys can contribute/execute on offense, LOL - hope we use that one-dimensional game film to our advantage).


No… they aren’t.

Go look at coaching salaries of G5 schools.

Are we in the top 25%? Are we in the top half? Are we in the top 75% of G5?

The answer is a resounding no to all three of those questions.

We aren’t even top 75% of the MAC!!!

Now let’s look at assistant coach salaries…again we are not even top half of the MAC let alone close to the level of the majority of G5 programs.

Wake up guys


Chuck Martin wishes he was making as much as Charlotte or New Mexico’s head coach. And have you seen their stadiums lately?

Charlotte also spent $3m more than us on football last year, while New Mexico increased their football budget to $50m

They aren’t even CLOSE to our peers

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Idiot, you have been on a roll lately. You are making some great points.


I’ve actually been in both Charlotte’s 15k seat stadium and in New Mexico’s dugout desert field. Yager’s improved football facilities are better than both overall. The MAC actually won the Bowl Challenge last season going 4-2 against our peers and one P5 team. Coaches salaries aren’t the only indicator of success and relevance. See Mel Tucker for an example.

What are you smokin’ Sanka?

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While I know I will draw more of your ire, yes, some G5 programs spend more than we do. And we spend more than many MAC schools. And when the day is done, we are still G5, they are still G5. And unless we are dropping to FCS, that is the school grouping for which we should rightly be compared. Or shall we start cherry picking which G5 schools we want to be compared to and then vary that year by year depending on spending?

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Define lately…it’s 15K stadium. Just a point…Miami’s facilities at this point are not an issue, relative to football, funding well, yes. Miami holds it together with buy games and trade offs.

But this is coming (expandable to 40K seating):

They appear to have the brick facade thing down many have wanted to see at Yager, but we end up with split block and no retouch of original side…hence, funding is always an issue.

Of note: article says it will cost 80+ million to get stadium to 30K+ in seating!

Coaching salaries are not the only indicator of success, but there is a direct correlation between coaching salary/football budget and a schools investment into football.

Michigan State? P5 school that feels they have the resources to compete with the best.

Miami? Well we fall in the bottom 10% vs G5 peers in both categories.

You mention winning is an indicator of success, but you aren’t happy with how we are performing.

Look at us Vs our peers over the last 5 years (UC is not our peer nor are FCS).

2023- 1-0
2022- 4-5
2021- 6-4
2020- 2-1 (this one stings)
2019- 7-3

20-13 in 5 years. But you are so caught up on a CBS poll of 133 programs.

You mentioned New Mexico. In 2021-2022 looking at the database I have, Miami spent about 200K more on football than New Mexico.

The average G5 football program in 2021-2022 spent 12.8 million on football. Now that is skewed by at least a few programs, like UC, UCF, Houston that spent well over 20M, and those programs have now moved up. Miami spent 10.4 million. So less than average but 4th in the MAC behind UB, Toledo, and CMU. So we are certainly in the running with other G5 teams. Also, the chart I have shows 55 G5 teams, including a few that are now moving up. We are 37th. My math might be off but I don’t believe that puts Miami “in the bottom 10% vs G5 peers”.

I didn’t mention New Mexico… Nescac did.

UNM football to do worse with more funding - The Daily Lobo.

Not our peer

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I was referencing this post of yours:

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Do I wish we had more to devote to athletics? Sure. But we have what we have. And what we have is a school in what is now called the G5. But I am sure CM and Sayler would be quite grateful if you cut a check for 10M or so!! :smiley:


It’s really the truth.

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Interestingly though…this is last year:

Miami is at the top of assistant pay overall?

The top is ~1.2 mil for the MAC staffs (we are in the CUSA range, and top of MAC - can we keep up, who knows)

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