Great Job Coaches

You said we’d never compare favorably to any MWC programs. New Mexico is a MWC program.


And we don’t compare favorably to New Mexico in terms of sheer numbers/dollars

Now that’s ridiculous! In the poll I referenced New Mexico is a G5 team ranked 21 spots behind us.

You must have selective reading…

Please see above.

Essentially you want to be a top 25% G5 program with a bottom 25% investment.

Good luck.


Good day. Love and Honor

Smh - If we’re not competitive with UNM in money spent then the Lobos prove that spending more money isn’t an automatic path to success.

Excuse me, but just to repeat, the database I have shows in 2021-2022 we spent more money on football than New Mexico. About 200K more.

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Thank you for referencing actual numbers and not a made up CBS poll.

True. We spent 200k more in the 21/22 season. However, they are making a huge investment in football in 23/24 season, where we are not.

They were most likely trying to position themselves for a Pac12 invite before that conference fell apart.

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Bottom line is that we need to find a way to consistently place ourselves in the Top 1/4 of G5 programs, regardless of what Idiot thinks.

At least this poll has us in the G5 Top 25 - at 25 if I counted right.

Fixed for you!!

Your framing, Idiot, not mine. And I would appreciate your not editing and republishing my comments as if they were mine.

Pretty certain @JiveHawk would not approve of the practice.