Chuck Martin says “Alabama stole our kicker”

Can’t speak for others but we only know what we know at the time. Certainly we have the benefit of hindsight now, though at least most of us around here are balanced enough to know that Chuck now is a good coach even if it doesn’t take the suck out of various blunders. He’s evolved in staff management, recruiting/portal work, and game management, no one around here should be judged harshly for criticizing him before those improvements showed up on the field.


Best conclusions I can come to:

  1. People change and figure out how a business works

  2. Miami football was even more of a mess than a lot of us were aware of when Chuck took the job and he’s worked hard to fix it, update it from an old practice field to the best indoor practice facility in Ohio (goes to show how cheap Mike Brown is when Miami U builds a better indoor practice facility than an NFL team)

  3. Chuck standing up for Miami and putting the program and school in the spotlight for the right reasons


I guess we can cross Bama off the game check provider list for a while. :joy:

I’ll clarify this post since I’ve realized it’s pretty ambiguous - I definitely agree that Chuck has done a great job of turning around the program and getting us to a very solid footing. The part I’d dispute is the characterization of his career choices. I think he does love Miami but I’d be shocked if his goal wasn’t to coach an upper-tier P5 team and I seriously doubt over his time at Miami thus far if he’s had any opportunities that get him closer to that goal versus staying here.

I certainly don’t fault him if he does want to, or does in the future, leave. If every Miami coach won at least two MAC championships, the UC game, a bowl, etc… and left the program in a better place then they found it, we’d have no complaints as fans. There’s a buyout in his contract for a reason, and I’d much rather having coaches buying out their contracts after success instead of Miami buying out contracts after failures.

And @MightyMU1, I definitely don’t think your post is outrageous - it’s just that if you posted that 6 years ago when people (myself included) were very down on Chuck, you’d have gotten a very different reaction. It’s a credit to Chuck + the team (and DS for sticking with him) that opinions on him have shifted over time so much. If I’m wrong and CM wants to stick around around Oxford for the rest of his coaching career and occasionally tweak the nose of SEC HCs, I’d welcome it.


Thanks for your post. I appreciate it. And in a subsequent post, I agreed with L&H and muhawk that there are jobs that Chuck would leave to take. Not just any job, but a recognized power program.that
would provide him with greater financial security, although making $1M+ a year in Oxford is good work if one can get it. But it would also allow him to compete every year for the CFP and a NC.
As for posting this 6 years ago, I would have to have been out of my mind and any criticism would have been warranted. I wear red shaded glasses, but I’m not Stevie Wonder. Fortunately, much improvement has been made and the future looks bright, despite the upheavals in college athletics. I, too, would welcome it if he decided to do a Frank Solich and stick around for many more years.
Now, in five days, I am off to NWern, for a beat down of the pussycats. Then, watching us beat the hell out of UC, followed by the upset of the year with my attendance in S Bend. As the saying goes, let the good times roll!
Again, L&H!


Toledo Blade opinion piece on Martin. To defeat the paywall, quickly hit Control + P to read it in print preview.


OK, Mr. Briggs. You threw down the gauntlet, now let’s see if you can back it up.
First, the headline of the article that “coaches throw stones at their own risk.” So, CM shouldn’t throw stones because…?
Reading the article, he stated that in regards to CM’s comment, “I love the honesty.” Then, he proceeds to cast a shadow at Coach Martin and Miami. His stated love of the honesty is immediately followed by, “I hope Martin’s house doesn’t have any glass.” He adds, twice, that BG and UT are clear of any suspicion. However, he continues to say that further, “…it’s dangerous to throw stones.” Then he tries to cover his butt by saying, meekly, “That’s not to suggest he’s up to anything.” Yea, OK. But don’t throw stones, Coach Martin.
I’m not the smartest knife in the drawer, but he clearly implies that we have something to worry about. That was the second time in his brief article that, by extension, he implies that Coach Martin lives in a glass house, meaning we cheat/tamper to entice players to enter the portal and our house could shatter.
So, Mr. Briggs, your comments are borderline libel. More than borderline, if one accepts his implications as stated. His sports editor should have done a better job before allowing this crap to be printed.
Well, I’m patient. Find your proof and present it now as your comments and insinuations may cause the entire MAC to keep an eye on us b/c our coach played a “dangerous” game by calling out Alabama. Maybe a cause for some negative recruiting?


I agree with a lot of your points. I’m glad it was a free read.


Y#5–Thanks. I endeavor to be very careful when I post something. I read this article 3 times to make sure that my impressions were objective, not simply my pro-Miami bias. I believe that a reasonable person who reads this might/would come to the same conclusion I did. From the headline of the article to his insinuations and use of words such as “glass house” and “be careful” creates a black cloud over CM and Miami. It is, in my admittedly biased opinion of Coach Martin, that he would have never said what he said unless he was absolutely certain he could prove it. Maybe Graham spoke to Brett, or Salopek, or another player and admitted that he received info from Alabama before he entered the portal for the second time.
I found Coach Saban’s comment that there were reps of schools “camped out” at Alabama with the express purpose of inducing their players to transfer giving credence to my view.
I trust Coach Martin and would be bitterly disappointed if I am wrong.
As I have said many times, I hate cheaters.


I’m not rooting against Chuck here, as that would be rooting against my Alma mater. But……perhaps the glass house comment was intended to point a finger at potential slander

Chuck has been known to put his foot in his mouth (MU too cheap for a real trophy) and I’m not confident he’s done it again here but I find it curious that all this time has past and he just now launches that accusation? It seems weird all the way around to me.

And if it is true, why isn’t our AD trying to exact some settlement out of Alabama to put this issue to rest. I’m sure the attorneys here would have a field day on discovery. Lol


I’m glad it was available to read as I like all things Miami. Just lacked any discernible point IMO. My takeaway was “everyone’s doing it so don’t complain.” Silly.


Always hard to follow a Legend. Which Terry is doing.



Time to steal this Billy Joel album cover and put Tom O’Hawk on the front about to throw the stone

And the writer of the article sure has a short memory on Toledo’s football point shaving. I’d say his over under on MAC sports is +/- 3.5 years


As for slander, truth is an absolute defense.

I’m with Coach Martin.

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When Coach M talks, it’s stream of consciousness and sincere. I’ll take that any day.


Completely agree. The absolute truth is an absolute defense

However, we’ve heard an accusation delivered in a rant. And 6-7 months after it happened. If it is an absolute truth, the spotlight should be shown on the entire situation

Which is why I’m not sure the glass house comment was on the mark. (I think we agree on this). But the accusation has gravity and you better be ready to back it up once you let it out in the open

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Sue for what? At worst Alabama broke NCAA rules, and you couldn’t pay the NCAA to try to enforce any NIL rules right now.


It was more of a sarcastic “cmon man” type of comment.

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One thing I think we can all agree on: you can’t make a scene like this and then go out and get beat at a HS stadium by a bunch of nerds. That’s now a must-win for Chuck.

And we should.


Most of these “ kids”( athletes) are run by an “ advisor”( aka,an agent),with little or no oversight.,and blowing smoke up their as*. It’s the Wild West.
I’d bet you a “ Miami tradition” at MAC n Joe’s that CM is 100% above this crap.

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