Chuck Martin says “Alabama stole our kicker”


Believe it.The NCAA is a joke.

And, CM took a huge pay CUT (6 figures)when he left Notre Dame to come to Miami. He’s not for sale to anybody. Order the statue!


I agree except the part that Chuck won’t leave for another program. On the scale of Todd Graham to Bill Snyder in coach loyalty/priorities he’s shown himself closer to the latter, but everyone has a price. I’m guessing he’d be unlikely to go to a program like Minnesota/Iowa State ala Fleck/Campbell, but if the likes of Notre Dame comes calling we shouldn’t fool ourselves.

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Notre Dame would be a given. But if we fast forward to December and Chuck is being introduced as the head coach in South Bend, I’d be okay with that because that would mean that things went insanely well this season (including probably the game in South Bend).

But yeah if a true blue blood came calling, I think Chuck would be gone. I was surprised his name didn’t pop up more often last winter for the 2nd tier power conference jobs.

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He did say in an interview right before the MACC that if the Chicago Bears came calling he’d leave the team immediately and they’d have to win the title by themselves :joy:


In my exuberance and effusive praise of Coach Martin, L&H and muhawk, are both correct. Coach Martin would have to leave for a very few select jobs. ND is certainly one. I didn’t know about his comments about the Bears. But I’m not sure he would go to an NFL team. OSU, probably. Michigan, as much as I would hate to see it, again probably. The opportunity to secure his children’s financial future and be at a program where winning a NC is more attainable would be very hard to turn down. But as L&H posted, he would not go to a mid-range P4 (or 5 or 3), just for a bigger paycheck.
Also, there is a buyout provision in his contract for a reason. No one, including me, would criticize him for leaving for those types of opportunities. But he is, and now he’ll always be, a Miami Man. And it would be great to see a new member of the Cradle based on what he did at Miami as opposed to what he won somewhere else.

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I have it on good authority that when he was once asked in passing how he would feel if one day, a statue of himself was outside the stadium, Chuck replied “yeah, no.”

Instead: he wants to have a large rock placed there with just his hat on it (the one he wears to camp) gilded in bronze.


I think Chuck Martin is very loyal but I think his list of schools he would go to is much bigger than listed

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The Bears line was said in jest, something to the effect of, “If they call me right now, I’m gone and you can finish the interview with someone else. But the Bears don’t want me. They change the coach every couple of years and they still haven’t called me.”


Yea, most likely. But not UC. Never! if he did, he’d be dead to me!!

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Yeah, it’s not just bluebloods. I wouldn’t see him going to UC or Indiana, but Michigan State or Iowa? Absolutely.

Can we get back to disliking the cheating/lying southern dwelling pachyderms who we should sick Captain Spaulding on?


Iowa would make all of the sense in the world. Hell, in the second half of last season, Miami took the Iowa style and ran it more effectively than Iowa could dream of running it.


I could see Chuck doing well at all the schools mentioned. I’ll throw another out there that no one has said that (to me) makes even more sense. Total dark horse prediction, but I could see him going to Vandy one day. They have all the money in the world and while they likely aren’t winning the SEC ever, he could have them 7-5 plus a bowl win. Hard to recruit well there because of academics. He knows how to do that well. Plus it’s a nice town to live in. I hope when the day comes it’s a bigger opp than that if he ever leaves, but I’ll go ahead and call my shot now.

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I think he’s a good coach but not on many radars because he took so long to win at MU. Ppl don’t care what the facilities were like or what the previous regime did - it was and is the winningest program in the MAC and should be. Chuck is not viewed in AD circles as a miracle worker, rather a solid coach. That’s good for MU.


All that matters is winning and Miami is gonna beat a Big Ten and Big 12 team to start the season and Miami will be the first G5 team to make the CFP Playoffs autobid and Chuck will be gone and we all will be OK with it as Miami is a stepping stone.

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And I hated Chuck at first with his horrible clock management, but he grew into the role and CFP here we come!!!

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This post reads a bit too much like revisionist history to me, but it’s a credit to CM’s performance over the past few years that you can post it here without folks getting outraged. I don’t think I, or many other posters could have predicted that back 6 or 7 years ago.