Chuck Martin says “Alabama stole our kicker”



What did you expect Kalen to say? “Oh yeah we did tamper but sssshhhhh don’t tell anyone it’s a secret”


I can’t imagine Coach Martin making that comment unless he was damn sure that it was true. So, who you going to believe? A coach who has been loyal to the school, his players, the families of his players, his coaches, the administration, and has never had a hint of illegality in his program or the HC at Alabama, where winning is not every thing, it’s the ONLY thing? They lost a great kicker and in order to stay atop the polls and assure DeBoer his paycheck for years to come, they come and tamper with the best kicker in the country.
A few months ago the Alabama fans were outraged that Graham won the Groza over their kicker. What a great way to get not only the best, but someone many Alabama fans were familiar, even negatively. Now, they all love him and believe that all is fair in love and winning football games. Alabama and the SEC–the only things that matter are winning NC and making boatloads of money. Screw everybody else.
I wonder how the faculty at Alabama feel about a one year rental kicker making more than virtually every full professor at the university? (if it doesn’t open, google faculty salaries at U of A.) And yes–I assume Grant is making at least $250,000. If you’re Alabama, it’s cheap at twice the price if it means one more W, especially the Big One!


Sadly, they aren’t winning the nati. Team isn’t good enough. To be sure, they won’t lose it because of special teams, but not good enough across the board. I have no vendetta against Bama beyond being stupid to get caught cheating in this whole stupid scenario. I quite liked Coach Sabin and the quality of his program. But Bama without him is not a top 3 team. Possibly not even top 5. Them’s the breaks.

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This may sound nitpicky, but Terry Bridge handled this situation horribly. You’ve got Chuck on an epic rant and Terry can’t help but try to interject, even with nervous laughter, no fewer than 5 times in this one clip. When your interview subject is on a roll, let him roll! I feel like we actually could’ve gotten more out of Chuck if Terry just let him go.


Yanksalex is certainly correct for any conventional interviewer or jornalist. I don’t believe 'however, that Mr. Bridge would view himself that way.

He is an employee of the university and the athletic department. I believe that he was trying to keep Coach Martin from saying anything that would hurt either himself or the university.

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It Chuck’s job is to protect the school way more than it is Terry’s job. Regardless, it’s not a huge deal, but it does sound like Chuck actually had more to say about the process and was generally cut off.


I beg to differ on whether Bama will continue to be a top five program. I paid more attention to what DeBoer did after taking over the temporary dumpster fire Jimmy Lake created at Washington than most on this board. He might be a less gruff incarnation of Don James. Note how he didn’t overreact to CM’s accusations.

With the fertile recruiting grounds of the Deep South, the facilities already in place in Tuscaloosa, and the emotional and commitment to winning that is a strong Alabama tradition, DeBoer and the Tide will be just fine.

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This isn’t live footage. It’s edited later. If the university had issues, they’d edit it out.


I don’t know what happened, but Chuck is a straight shooter while “If you’re not cheating you’re not really trying “ was always attributed to and associated with the SEC. So probably someone talked to Nicholson and let him know that if he would reenter the portal they would make an offer. The illegal part would have been contacting him when he was not in the portal. Educated guess on my part.


What player’s front steps were opposing coaches sitting on when the team returned from the Curricane Bowl? Inquiring minds want to know.

Dont forger calling Kellan, “Carter McLaughlin” several times in the extended video

There are so many intermediaries now working on behalf of NIL it really doesn’t matter. It goes like this: “I’d like to talk to you about your NIL value and how I could help you. At Miami your NIL valuation is $0. At a school like say Alabama it would be $100,000. I can help you achieve this at either school - where would you like me to help?” Trip Powell (runs Yea Alabama) is sharp and has a ~$20M/ yr FB payroll. He’ll get a kicker from G5 if he wants him.

Dick, I suspect that you are correct on the sequence of events but I also suspect there was a great deal of specificity as to what the offer would be.

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If Chuck wins big this year, there’s a big chance he’s at a P4 school next year, making oodles more bucks than Miami can pay him. I don’t think anyone would fault him for moving to a more lucrative position …


No there isn’t.


Kalen DeBoer: Alabama didn’t ‘illegally’ add Miami (Ohio) PK

[Kalen DeBoer - Alabama didn't 'illegally' add Miami (Ohio) PK - ESPN]

Sounds like they at least owe us a home & home series in the years ahead

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Coach Martin’s accusation and Coach DeBoer’s denial are now on the ESPN ticker.

I believe this story may have some life and it is difficult to believe the NCAA will not conduct some kind of investigation.


I’m surprised. I figured the NCAA/ESPN/SEC/BIG10 would have buried this story.

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Even if we go undefeated and win the NC, Coach Martin will be in Oxford as our HC next season. He inherited a dead program, buried six feet underground in a cement casket. Slowly, incrementally, and through hard work, the dedication of his staff, and the vision of his players, current and past, he/they have built a winning team that we can take great pride in. Coach Martin is nothing if he isn’t loyal to Miami. He could have easily left to become a co-ordinator at a major program, doubled his salary and been on a more firm path to a Power HC job. But, like most of his players last season, they denied themselves the opportunity to enter the golden portal that would have ensured them big money this year. They decided and committed themselves to staying for a chance to grab the brass ring which is the CFP. These coaches, staff and players deserve our respect and support. It starts with the commitment by Coach Martin, his long-time assistants, and players who helped build a foundation for this season’s hopes and dreams.
We are lucky to have Coach Martin leading our team and contributing to our university. Is he a perfect coach, without faults and not making any mistakes? No. Name one coach in the last hundred years that checks every box every year. I am damn proud to call him our coach. He brings honor and honesty to Miami. Will all of us be thrilled if we accomplish the goals that he, his staff, and the players have set and worked hard to meet? Yes. But I will be much happier knowing that once we have reached those goals, Coach Martin will be recognized and honored and take his place as a member of the Cradle of Coaches.