BG Game Week 2023

It’s Wednesday night. Does BG still suck?

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Blows actually

A little historical inspiration to get you fired up, not that anyone on this board needs that!! 20 years ago, MAC Championship. We kicked the pumpkins ass then, and we will kick it again on Saturday!


Just a slight downgrade going from Tirico and Herbstreit to Michael Reghi and Jerod Cherry.


Thankfully, Michael isn’t doing this one. And I don’t have a problem with Jerod.

I’ll say this about Reghi - he’s one of the most prepared and educated announcer when it comes to the MAC

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How on Earth were there empty seats? Both teams ranked. Top 25. At the same time! When is that ever happening again.

Dr. Jerry Punch as the sideline reporter along with Corso in the booth…quite a crew for that game.


And that game deserved that quality crew. Ron Harper was included in the Miami crowd that night. Chanting “This is our house” against a legitimate top 25 team in a nationally-televised game to win that conference championship is among my all-time favorite moments as a student and a Miami fan.

I’ll go to my grave saying we were uncrowned national champs that year. No one was undefeated that season and our loss (against a top 10 Iowa team) ended up being far less questionable than the losses on the résumés of USC (vs. 8-win Cal) and LSU (vs. 8-win Florida… which lost to Iowa in the bowl game by 20). And it wasn’t just Ben. That O-Line would have been legit if you dropped it into the Big Ten.

The best way to honor the 20th anniversary of the team? Going 13-1 this season.


1974, 1975 and 2003 teams should all be inducted into Miami’s HOF.


I think it was a cold, damp and cloudy day. That’s a buzz kill in Ohio.


Was crazy game time atmosphere. BG students were crazy. Miami students roaming the parking lot chanting B.G.S.U.C.K.S and BG students right behind them with F.U.M.U. By the end of the game the student section was almost empty.

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Thursday night and the threat of freezing rain so I didn’t make the drive up. We watched the game at BW3s and it was packed.


Well yeah, I mean it’s all he does. He’s not squeezing a MAC game in between two Big Ten broadcasts.

I honestly don’t hate Reghi. Cherry adds nothing to the broadcast imo.

To me Reghi sounds buffoonish - like newsman Ted Baxter on the old Mary Tyler Moore show for the old dudes on the board.


Cherry is below replacement level, but he doesn’t take away from the broadcast. Reghi is actively terrible. The only positive thing that can be said about Reghi is that he doesn’t treat the MAC as an undercard the way most broadcasters do.


I was gonna write a funny reply to your question about the visitors section but I might have accidentally deleted your post (which I’m not even sure how I could have done). Apologies!

edit: wait. I found it. will reply there.

Let’s give the AD some credit. It looks like they tracked down the only remaining VHS copy of the game broadcast to make that social media post.


I’ll give Reghi credit, he treats the MAC teams and players with respect, outside of the fact that there will be a couple of butchered names in every broadcast.

Cherry is… a guy who stands next to Reghi. He is definitely not Rocky Boiman.

Welcome back!

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