'22 Recruiting

He physically reminds me of another under recruited QB from Kentucky a few years ago. Let’s hope that he can develop similarly.

The new MHT isn’t complete without a Greggie meltdown from signing a new QB. Sad he isn’t here, but I hope he’s killing it on the old board by himself


Allen Trieu of 247Sports.com has a write up on Humphreys commitment.

He says 247 in-house ratings have him as our highest rated commit.

Article said he had offers from Temple, New Mexico and others.

Guess who just entered the transfer portal? One Tyrone Tracy, from Iowa, bro of Kenny and incoming Javon. As I posted last week, keep an eye on him. We can expect an announcement soon–I hope.


If we could somehow get this awesome talent to come to MU, we’d have tres…Tracy’s? That would be epic.

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Believe it or not, there is another Tracy who is a DB at IU, one Larry Tracy III. I checked their roster and he is not listed. Was listed earlier this season and he shows up in the defensive stats for the yr. Might as well welcome him, too. Think of it: four sons and all get scholarships to play football, two at Power 5 and two with us. Suddenly, we may need to have a Mr and Mrs Larry Tracy Day at a game.

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Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. There’s a fourth Tracy? The prophesy foretold this might one day come, but this is all happening too fast. If we were able to land the quad Tracy, can you imagine the chaos that ensues if they are all in the lineup at the same time. This would be equal parts baffling, amazing and plausible record setting. The quad Tracy. Wow.


Imagine how confusing all that would be for Michael Reghi!


Your proposing that the Four Tracys are actually the second coming of the Four Horsemen? I can dig that.


Bash, honest question here: have you ever seen this before? Ie, do you ever recall playing a team with 3 siblings on the roster? This has to be rare. Although, I sorta recall an early version of Tecmo Bowl that didn’t clearly delineate players. We used to call it Turkey Bowl as it was all kinds of buggy.

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Humphreys is now rated composite and is indeed our highest recruit. We also jumped from #3 to #1 in the MAC and up to #68 in the country with just 13 commits. He is a top 900 player in the country as well, #56 QB.


It it really true that Ohio is #12 in the MAC with just a single hard commit? It’s another Canadian QB.

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I think they have a few more, just not updated on the recruiting sites. Still, not a position you want to be in.

Perhaps they’re also trying to leverage the transfer portal in a big way this off season in order to overhaul the roster a bit

Just found out that Larry, at IU, entered the transfer portal in October. Hope next week we can welcome the whole damn family!!!


Very good call. Did you have inside info or did you just figure out it made sense on your own?

This would be very advantageous for Mr, and Mrs. Tracy. I did see them at a game or two this year, but next year they could come here every game.

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Dick—I had the assistance of a person close to me who worked in college football in the MAC, the Pac 12, and an NFL team. He knows football. Watches a great deal of it as he is now involved in a different career. Knows teams and players as he has played against them, home and away, at Power 5 and Group of 5 teams in a capacity where he worked with the coaches and players on a daily basis. He sometimes amazes me with his breath of knowledge. He predicted that Tracy, a WR on a team that doesn’t throw a lot, would transfer to Miami weeks ago, in hopes of getting plenty of time and plays called for him. Raved about him. Said he’s a stud. However, I came up with Larry, just cause it made sense. I was not aware until recently that he entered the TP. I knew he was no longer on IU roster.
See for yourself. Look at his You tube videos. Great kid. Great family. Excellent WR.
Oh, that person I referred to at the beginning is my son…


We had the Nande brothers 15 years ago on the team at the same time. I’m sure there are other brother combinations, but they always stuck out in my mind.

Currently, the McWood brothers. Ryan, a RSSR was a terrific loss when he went down. He was an all-conference type talent. Fortunately for us, Pace and Salopek did a great job.His brother is Oscar, a TFR LB. Hope Oscar follows in his brothers footsteps.


Busing brothers were on some very good teams. And were good players.