2024 (so-called) off-season thread

They teased this interview a month ago and the editing is…strange. But I liked the part where he talks about his family!


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Teddy Lagerback is in the portal

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If you pluralized that name it would sound like a brewery. The kind of place you might see in an airport. They serve a solid mix of craft beers and have a jalapeño popper special. The poppers are probably fine although they could be a little warmer.

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Happy for the coverage and good questions. Noreen answers questions thoroughly without being Trump-repetitive, so without knowing what was cut out, it does come across as a little odd he was edited in a couple of spots. It’s internet so I’m not sure why it matters if an interview runs 30 seconds or a minute longer.

That was obviously shot at the rink on April 11 when Noreen was intro’d, so it’s unusual for it to be posted three weeks later.

Then again, this is the media outlet that pulled the Miami hockey blog I was writing on their site for free in 2015 and the only reason I was given as to why was that it sets a bad precedent that I’m allowed to have a blog loosely affiliated with WCPO for others with potentially similar aspirations.

Sounds like you might’ve just come from a brewery. :rofl:


Cannot get over “How do you translate that to guys who are foreign, from Minnesota, Wisconsin?”


And maybe I have, Bonk. Maybe I have!
Ps, I hold no ill will toward the guy. In fact, I smell an NIL opportunity!!!


Apparently there’s a full version of the interview!

I don’t know why they wouldn’t include the link in the tweet😂 now it makes a little more sense to have waited 3 weeks and to have some awkward cuts


22 minutes?!?! Holy crap. This will have to wait until later.


My wife is wondering if Noreen was ever on the Bachelor…

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Literally made my day to get so much Noreen content :blush:

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I think he’s been too focused on hockey to look for a wife :joy:

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She’s not suggesting he won. It was called The Bachelor on Ice and it had some singing and dancing. Long time ago though…


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I’m familiar with his line-mate, C.C. Waterback.

That’s right. Win an NCAA title, then we’ll let him start dating.


That’s the only ring he should be worried about right now :rofl:


Bahahha! Y’all had me thinking he really had been on the Bachelorette :joy:. He is super handsome!

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VGK’s were gifted a superior team with new expansion rules, etc. Install the rules that were in place when CBJ’s and Wild drafted and would’ve been significantly different outcome. Kudos for VGK’s for exploiting those rules to their advantage. That was a one-off.

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Exactly! No wedding could ever be cooler than this one anyway!