2024 (so-called) off-season thread

Some UNO fans losing their minds over this…Nebraska seems like a logical choice to eventually go D-1. It’s in the Big 7 and already has an on-campus rink that seats over 4,000 for the USHL Lincoln Stars.

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I thought it was an open secret that UNO agreed to drop football when moving up to D1 in exchange for UNL not playing hockey. Though D2 club is hardly competing with D1 NCAA.

This was posted on Sunday…


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Here’s a link to tweet so folks can see the discussion if they want. Also, Denver, North Dakota, and Omaha are full Summit League members.



So’s St. Thomas, who presumably would be required to leave the CCHA if the Summit sponsors hockey. Can’t wait for conference matchups with Rico.


Not sure what’s to lose their mind over. The release says they already have a D3 club team so it’s not like they aren’t currently playing there.

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Perhaps, but if UNO essentially becomes a branch of UNL an is governed by the UNL trustees, I think that paper is null and void. It would be interesting to see what Nebraska does. Have two D1 programs: one in the B1G and one in the NCHC? Eliminate the UNO program and start a B1G program in Lincoln? Keep the program at UNO but move it to the B1G? I don’t see them keeping the status quo though. If they only have one program, it will be in the B1G regardless of if it’s in Lincoln or Omaha.

Somewhat reminiscent of when Penn State gradually converted its ACHA team to an NCAA varsity team in the Big 10. Penn State needed Terry to build them a new rink. Nebraska already has one bigger than ours.

Is there even a marketable demand for hockey in Nebraska? Penn State is at least in between Flyer/Penguin/Sabres/Rangers territory


Tri City Storm is in Nebraska and has a pretty decent history and following.

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Lincoln has solid attendance and their fans are passionate. Went to a game before the Miami-Omaha series a couple years ago and the place was packed and rocking.

Completely off-topic but I have the Brewers game on Bally Wisconsin on tee vee in the background, and they just ran a commercial for a local bank featuring a U. of Wisconsin hockey player.


Yeah they have 3 USHL teams in the state although I don’t know how involved the Lancers fanbase is. Also Omaha (NE) had pretty good attendance in Baxter this year, they were #4 in average attendance in d1 hockey.

Yeah, 7,043 average. UNO hockey isn’t going anywhere, and Nebraska going D-1 means an instant rival.


The Owen Lindmark checking commercial?

I love that one it’s so silly😂 I ordered a personalized video from him on Cameo a while back and asked him how much he really likes checking and he said you’ll see in the games coming up. Unfortunately he did not like checking too much in the upcoming games because they embarrassingly got eliminated in the b10 playoffs by OSU then were booted in the first round of the ncaa playoffs.

I can’t blame him too much though, he was coming off an injury


Bonk - any updates on the recruiting front? Does your site have all of the transfers in/out? Thanks

That thread about Nebraska was way overhyped. It was primarily that they want to report the Medical Center funding under UNL. UNO and UNL already have the same board of regents and president. There’s zero reason to think they’d cut UNO athletics even if they changed the administrative structure.

And to be clear, I don’t think there was any document formalizing that UNL wouldn’t add hockey, just brought it up in reference to UNO fans being mad.

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Here’s a link to the tweet so folks can follow, etc



Schlossman published a few nuggets from the NCHC coaches meeting. A couple things:

  • The coaches will likely nix the play-in game for the last spot in the playoffs. The last place team would be sent to the showers at the end of the regular season.
  • No chatter about any teams wanting to leave the NCHC.

Back to lurking.



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