2024 (so-called) off-season thread

Noreen to become USHL owner – View From the Glass


On the assistant coaching front someone posted on the Oxford facebook page asking about housing in town saying her husband was working in athletics. Out of curiosity (and maybe a tad bit of nosiness :face_with_peeking_eye: ) the google machine says he’s an assistant at Dartmouth.


It’s a radio program where the primary focus was Tri-City. The radio hosts don’t care about Miami. They’re asking questions about the future of the team they cover, not about the team halfway across the country that hired away the person who built that program.

It’s really funny reading the discourse for this online because fans of other programs are complaining this gives Miami and unfair recruiting advantage and then the people here are up in arms about how much time it may or may not take.


Yeah, I see it as us having an advantage (that somehow doesn’t feel right).


@JohnnyMac It’s almost like Miami is creating the first feeder team in college hockey. It is probably at least a temporary advantage but, I agree, it does seem odd.


This all makes no sense. The Blue Bloods we compete against have millions more in NIL money to offer along with more resources to pay coaches and assistants and we complain we are up against unfair odds. Now, we get what might be an advantage of our own to close the gap and people are upset? It’s the Wild West out there, and short of a gold mine being discovered off of Bonham road, this is our pay dirt.


Thank you for your service, I’m glad you snooped :joy:

Looks like he spent 3 seasons coaching with Noreen at Tri-City and they could be reunited here. It’s reassuring to know there’s some progress being made on a coaching staff with all the owner discourse going on


It’s funny on a previous Doug and Daddy show the hosts roasted us for having so many players come from Dubuque and basically said the last coaching staff did a bad job recruiting from the USHL because of it.

Now it could look like that in a couple years but with the Storm

Partial ownership thing isn’t happening. I’ll post about it later.


I wonder if partial ownership would be right for me…

Leaving us hanging smh :joy:

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I’m in a new relationship, and it’s occupying a lot of my time.

It’s with the Stanley Cup playoffs. :grinning:


Noreen won’t become USHL co-owner – View From the Glass


This makes so much sense it would seem to be an unexpected outcome in this day and age.


I feel that, although my poor bracket might already be busted. My fault for choosing every team with a redhawk in their organization to win😂

Really good piece. It also looks like you have full access again. If this guy can’t get it done, then maybe it can’t be done.

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Thanks a lot.

And yeah, I’m completely out of Miami hockey writer jail. We’re going to write features on the assistants when they’re hired and hopefully do lots of off-season stuff.

Coach Noreen (who will likely end up reading this :grin:) has been a class act to deal with.


Connecticut kid that played prep.


Woah did you get him on MHT?? :thinking: maybe I should watch what I say :joy:

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My favorite quote of his from that article:

“And we are going to be in the fight for all the top players. We’ve had some guys on campus already and we’ve got a busy couple of weeks.”

Music to my ears!