2024 (so-called) off-season thread

Ferris lost in the National title game in 2012. They make Miami’s fall from the brink of the mountaintop look graceful compared to theirs.

In all fairness, Miami is a bottom 3rd team. It’s not like this is the 2005 Miami squad…

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It’s looking like the Storm are going to lose…

Update: Maybe I spoke too soon…they just cut the lead down to 1 goal with 1:53 left to go. While on the PK.

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Tri-City has been eliminated from the playoffs and their season is over.

Welcome home, Coach!


The Storm don’t have any quit in them,good to see.

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Noreen says he’s going to become part-owner of Tri-City. Sounds like with the NCAA meetings and USHL draft, it could be a while before assistants are named.

4/25/24 - The Doug and Daddy Show - Doug And Daddy on ESPN Tri-Cities | Podcast on Spotify


uhhhh…how much attention is he going to be paying to the daily operations of his investment?


Yeah not sure I love this news… on the bright side it keeps his USHL ties strong.

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Could this be considered a conflict of interest situation?

We would need to see the terms of Noreen’s contract to see how Sayler protected/unprotected the University. Anybody FOIA that thing yet? Sounds like a great opportunity for an investigative journalist with a blog and a wife who publishes SI-quality action photos to make a name for himself (not that I’m assigning to do’s to anyone).

Back to lurking.

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Bonk posted the memo of understanding above. Not sure a formal contract has been signed yet, or if they were waiting to know when it would start. The AD is pretty good about posting them to their site.

I did? How about that. :grinning:

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Perhaps a development team for Miami, indirectly.

Not trying to be a smart-ass, but did you guys and gals listen to the clip? It’s about 2 minutes in. Generally curious how everyone who heard it read it.

I didn’t like what I heard…perhaps it’s a 2 minute sound bite, but it seems like his focus is primarily on the future of Tri-City, and I felt like Miami was more a hobby for him to dabble with, especially when he said he was going to cut the NCAA meetings in Florida short. It seems like a lot to handle for anyone. Hopefully I am making something out of nothing though.

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I think it’s kind of hard to say. He mentioned being involved with more this year to help with the transition to the new staff. I’m fine with that, but wouldn’t want that type of commitment every year. At some point, he has to commit to Miami. The clip makes it somewhat hard to distinguish what his role will be like after this year.

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Sounds like Sayler hired a part-time head coach.

Agree with all of the above comments, but also keep in mind who he was talking to. He would certainly change the emphasis if discussing with a Miami-centric media person.


Good point.