2024 (so-called) off-season thread

The fishbowl is the full clear face shield on the helmet instead of having the cage with the bars

Idk if that’s the official term for it, that’s just what I’ve heard other people call it😂

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Ahhh…makes sense. I guess full face shield is the only term I’ve ever heard for them. But I tend to watch more pro hockey where those aren’t as prevalent.

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Yeah I was just wondering if it was another Bergeron thing like the vanity numbers because it feels like the number of full shields went down each year until it was none last year. We even had players like Daskas who started out with the shield and switched to the cage. And I think the guys with shields in that picture are mostly new guys but in another picture it looks like Vitolins has also switched to the shield conveniently after the coaching change. It’ll be interesting to see if Daskas goes back to the shield now that he’s gone.

I also read that the shields are more expensive so maybe this is because of the upped monetary support😂

You guys can probably tell I’m getting antsy waiting for the season to start as I’ve resorted to counting helmets on heads to keep myself entertained


Great read, I love how much content there is! Can’t wait to learn about the freshmen next week :slight_smile:

Haha, this has been a very long off-season.

And thanks for the kind words. It’s an easy write-up because Coach Noreen is excellent to talk to and very insightful.


Bonk - great stuff- can you also FB and BB?

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Lol, thanks. If I ever get to retire, maybe.


The NCAA is having an existential crisis. In a vacuum I agree with all of these changes. Why shouldn’t an athlete be able to make money? Why should an athlete be forced to stay at one school? Why should some athletes get four years while others get five years? But when you put it all together, the entire original basis of college athletics gets lost. All of these changes have basically just created a new professional division, like a U20 for America. That’s great, I’m fine with that, I want these athletes to be nurtured to their best abilities and compensated for their achievements. But at what point do you ask, “Why are our universities and students and funding paying for all of this?”

Edit: Sorry if this is a threadjack, feel free to ignore.


All fair arguments, so let me ask this of the audience:

If we’re going to allow anyone to take five years to get a four-year degree – which I’m not necessarily opposed to – can hockey play more than 34 regular season games?

Miami baseball just played 54. The USHL plays 62 and those kids go to high school in many cases. The OHL plays 68. And playoffs are longer in both of those leagues.

No reason hockey can’t play at least 40. They’re going to open everything else up, at least give teams more freedom to schedule more games to generate revenue if they want. It’s not like teams don’t practice the whole season anyway.

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USHL regular schedule is what, 2 months longer than NCAA? They pretty much play the same Friday/Saturday schedule with some Sunday’s mixed in. Would push the Frozen Four into May. The vast majority of players are coming from that schedule so it would be hard to argue that it’s a safety or educational issue. USHL camps don’t open up much earlier than NCAA.

Does playing 62 vs 34 make college more appealing as a developmental path to the NHL?



As long as games would not added for J term,Christmas,etc., which is undesirable.

I for one would not complain if we got to see Anthony Noreen 6 more times a season!

The comparison would actually be the CHL vs. the NCAA, not the USHL (which is a developmental league for the NCAA…for now).

I haven’t had a conversation about that in a long time, but yeah, I think it’s a factor in choosing one vs. the other. The scouts/GMs/etc. watching the players definitely prefer to see a player skate for 68 games to build stamina for the longer pro seasons, and the players know that.

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BUGS, OSU, Miami and a fourth team should play a tournament between Christmas and New Year’s each year. Rotate the site between the schools. [/wishful thinking]


Notre Dame maybe?

Yes, wasn’t comparing USHL to NCAA as developmental path, only as a scheduling example.

If it’s ND could rotate through neutral sites.
Indy, Toledo, Cincy, C-Bus. Three ECHL and one NHL rink.

Maybe even build some traction in those markets for hosting NCAA regionals.


BG and OSU have been reluctant to schedule Miami recently.Various excuses. A “ home and home “ with both of them would make great use of a few extra games annually.(4).

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