2024 (so-called) off-season thread

I’m working on one right now

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Task 1: identifying Talent
Task 2: developing Talent

It’s pretty clear Berge struggled with both of these! Here’s hoping the new staff can do both very well.


Here’s my shot at a 30 man roster; we did have a smaller roster last season and depending on Miami’s choice for the new roster cap coming up they might be looking at keeping numbers low again so the guys in purple may not be there

And this isn’t considering any returning players possibly changing numbers, I could see Vitolins switching to 8 which he’s worn in the past and Quinn taking 6 which he likes. I could also see Donato taking 3 and McEwen having 15

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I don’t want to guess, and that’s all it would be at this point. Too many parents and coaches read this board and I don’t want to be wrong about something that personal.


I’ll save them the trouble.

DEAR PARENTS: your kid is on the team. Those other parents you don’t like but have to put up with? Their kid is not on the team.

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1.A.: signing talent

So after the first round, they do not have connecting lines to the second round, I am taking that to mean that there is a reseeding after round one. Then no reseeding after that.

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Looks like it

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What’s your message to the coaches😂


Chuck’s kid has been in travel hockey for 15 minutes, and he’s already jaded.

It is nice seeing some hockey recruiting accounts pop up. I wish it was as easy to track as football/basketball, just to get an idea of who we are going after.

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Interview with Noreen on CHN podcast (24 minutes long):

CHN On the Air, Including the CHN Insiders Podcast, and Hockey on Campus Radio Show on Sirius XM : College Hockey News


I was just about to send this but you beat me to it😂



Another wild and crazy Saturday night in the Bonk household.

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Starting season 2 of rec league right now.

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About the podcast:

-I just love listening to this man speak he always gets me fired up about the program

-The talk about $$ was very interesting as many people on here and on Twitter have expressed concerns for the athletic dept’s commitment to the program in a monetary sense. Noreen seems to be trying to assure people that the money is not an issue and and they’ve been giving more to hockey

-He brought up the fact we only had 1 conference win multiple times, I’m glad he’s aware of the true nature of our situation and already is using it as a motivator

-Interesting explanation on why Cisek was retained

-Recruiting is a whole staff effort and they really are all on the trail. And some of these new 08 commits are probably thanks to Nies’ connections

-Wouldn’t give an exact number of how many wins he hopes for this year, but wants to start winning now

-“As long as they want me here I’m going to be here” made me smile :slight_smile:


This coaching staff makes about the same as the last one so I assume he’s talking about recruiting travel. And yes, it is encouraging that the budget for that has been increased.

He also mentioned alumni and families multiple times, so I’m assuming he meant some of that $$ is coming from donors rather than the athletic budget.

I think I mentioned it here before, but several years ago a lot of alums got tired of being tapped for donations, with one saying he felt like “a walking ATM”. Let’s hope the program and said alums/donors/former players can strike a happier balance under this coaching staff.



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Definitely some shockers there!! Welcome, everyone <3

At least I predicted some of the numbers correctly

Definitely more surprises than I originally thought there would be

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