2024 (so-called) off-season thread

Interesting connections between new and returning players- David Grosek and Artur Turansky went to South Kent School together and are both Slovakian, and Conner Hutchison and Raimonds Vitolins played together at Vermont (with former hawk Noah Jordan).

Also is it a coincidence that the two former players coming back are from the same city as the coach🤔

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Scherzer coming next year:



We’ll just have to wait until 2025 to get the Austrian flag in Goggin :joy:

We’re bringing back vanity numbers I see. :grin:

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Was wondering about him.

Not thrilled to see “die Miami University” in type.


11 new players almost half the team. No complaints though I have confidence in the new staff to evaluate talent and also develop it once here on campus. There had to be some shakeups since what was previously done obviously wasn’t working and continually finishing last.


Well two of them are former bergeron players that didn’t do so well after entering the portal so they’re returning. Still, hopefully a new voice in the locker room brings more out of them


It’s also wild that we have SEVEN graduate seniors. Guess that’s what happens when it’s the last chance to cash in on an extra covid year. What I’m really hoping for is a big step forward from the massive junior class. I feel like some of them have more scoring potential that hasn’t been fully unlocked yet

Here’s the class breakdown-



I wonder when we will hear from The Lurker about the state of the roster. I would imagine he, Mrs. Lurker and the little Lurkers were away this summer. Probably at the beach but still lurking from afar I would imagine. But, I did see some Canadian geese flying south today which means fall is almost here so maybe it’s time to summon the Lurker.


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I’m seeing ghosts of Knies Alger and Rymsha😂

I like them though, I was listening to an interview with Grosek and he said he wears 81 to honor his mother who had cancer.

Hopefully we get more Roslovic-Louis-Bachman. :grinning:

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Why’d we ever axe the high numbers😂

Bonk are we going to see a VFTG review of the roster?

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Yes…I’m going to finish up my story on Nies this week then attack the roster. I plan on detailing each of the newbs.

Bergeron was definitely a purist in that regard. IIRC, I remember reading that someone asked Pletzke how he got the number 28 and he said it was that or another number in the 20s.


Jack Clement traded, he and Carson Meyer will play in the same organization


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Huge get! Read a couple posts saying they were surprised he got out of the state of Minnesota. Loving the hot start to recruiting!


I’ve been pretty reserved in my enthusiasm to this point because we had the same level of excitement five years ago and we all know how that turned out.

But seeing the quantity of quality of commits this staff is landing is making it really hard to not to excited for the future of this program.


The only downside so far is having to wait until these ‘08 kids are actually at Miami lol

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How many wins is the team getting this season?

  • <5
  • 5-10
  • 10-15
  • 15-20
  • 20+

0 voters


Friend of mine who’s an advisor is shocked he got out of Minnesota.