2024 NCAA Tournament

At least one of us can. Or maybe only one of us expects it to be accurate. I’m sure it’s a fine program and has come a long way since being censured twice 6 years ago. But it’s still attached to the university - a university who’s president (and CEO) was the brains behind University of Phoenix’s predatory practices.

But hey, what’s a couple censures and an FTC investigation into deceptive marketing and telemarketing practices when you’re pulling in $2 million/year off the back of those extra charges. Oh, I almost forgot the securities fraud too. Who doesn’t want a report calling their university, “The Enron of Education.”

Sometimes I forget ethics classes are a fairly new addition to degree programs. Thanks for reminding me. It’s clear they should’ve been included decades prior.


I’m curious to know who (or what) you think is making a profit at Miami or Ohio State or Akron or Toledo, etc, or more appropriately how Miami or Ohio State or Akron or Toledo is making a profit.


You would think that a for-profit institution would be able to afford four more letters (A, n, t, and e) instead of going cheap with “Lopes” only. Who’s skimming the cash for the A, n, t, and e?

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Ohio State makes what, at least 100 mil a year from TV deals, under the guise of a non-profit academic institution


Yes, that would be the Ohio State athletic department. One of a handful of college athletic departments that actually turns a profit. Regardless, non-profit academic institutions are not turning a profit, which is the current topic of discussion in this thread, albeit tangentially.


Thanks for the clarification of the legal status for taxes.

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This just reads like you don’t know what non-profit means.


I understand the premise, just not where many of them have found themselves these days…

I was there!

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Back to the games.

Watching Oumar Ballo shoot free throws for Arizona is like hearing “Mungo like candy” on the follow thru

Arizona & Clemson are tied at 43 with 16 minutes to go in the game

UConn leads SDSU 40-31 at the half

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Very bad night night for me.i had UNC and Zona moving on in my bracket. UConn is my sole survivor on that side of the bracket!


I gave up on Arizona years ago. They usually crap the bed and lose before the national semifinals.

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I remain convinced that the MWC got too many teams and Indiana St should have been included.

I guess the MWC did as expected. they went 4-6 and their wins were vs 9,10,12 and 13 seeds- so they didnt beat one team better than their seed

Their losses were vs 1,1, 6, 7,7 and 10 so that was also as expected

ISU has won 3 home games to make the NIT final 4


Or you could’ve put 200 other teams in over dogshit Virginia who didn’t deserve it AND no one wants to watch.


NC State moves to Elite 8… Marquette was cold as ice from beyond the arc.

Speaking of Marquette, who among you have vivid memories of Miami’s big win over defending NCAA champion Marquette in 1978? I will never forget that day! (My senior year at Miami).


I was at the bar at the Swiftsure Inn on Victoria’s Inner Harbor when I heard the score on US TV.

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Of note, both the men and women of NCState are in the Elite 8…UConn women could join the men today.

It seems the NCAA Committee seems to still feel sorry for Virginia losing to UMBC back in 2018 and letting them in. Good grief, they gave them the 2019 National Championship. When’s enough enough?


Mountain west didn’t get helped at all with their seeding either. Regular season champs at 8 and everyone else below that? Cmon

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I realize I am an old man yelling at the clouds, but it drives me crazy that CBS/TNT never show replays of fouls or potential fouls. Edey gets killed on almost every possession and it’s just ignored by the networks.

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