2024 NCAA Tournament

Really glad that Yale pulled off the upset, their HC James Jones is a terrific guy (FIL is good friends with him, they went to Albany at the same time). And a great coach too, his teams finish top two in-conference with 20+ wins pretty regularly.

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Nice effort by Flyers today. Had it down to 5 with 10 to play. AZ won it 78-68. UD had 4 Dayton area kids on the roster.

Kent women getting hammered at Notre Dame 49-30 at the half. Ball State and Toledo were the MAC’s two best teams. Too bad.



In their two tournament games

First half Kansas: 92-81

Second half Kansas: 54-82 so far

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So many of the “experts” were saying this was a very off year for the Zags. Sadly, I believed them on my bracket.

Zags underperformed in noncon and early in conference but have been on fire since late January




I am not one of them with a perfect bracket…not even close…I was out of it in the Play-in round…got progressively worse thereafter. Business as usual.

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Probably good for GCU that they lost that one. 20-25 win WAC team that occasionally makes the tournament as a 14 seed seems like the sweet spot for giving yourself an aura of legitimacy without drawing too much unwanted scrutiny. A Sweet 16 run is the kind of thing that would Streisand Effect yourself into a bunch of articles about how your whole university is basically just a massive fraud ring.


Twitter already gives them a lot of shit. Say what you want about the university but the basketball and its surrounding atmosphere is top notch

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If your university’s website needs an official FAQ about whether it’s a diploma mill, that says it all


I respectfully disagree. Our granddaughter’s parents and her grandfather checked out the place as well as we could. Our granddaughter is now enrolled in the school of nursing there. I believe it is all the rumors and innuendos that have caused the place to have a FAQ about their place in the academic world.

Here’s a piece on what is just the most recent controversy involving GCU. It is not the first.

Can’t argue that except to say it is a for profit place. What commercial or advertisement doesn’t exaggerate in order to get consumers to buy their product. Still may have a good product but not as great or economical as promoted. It isn’t as cheap as they say, what is?


I knew exactly what my bill would be at all 5 universities I’ve attended. Every semester. Down to the penny. This isn’t a whoopsie, sorry your tuition isn’t what we told you. It’s malicious. You don’t go to a restaurant and order a $15 meal and when the bill comes it’s $20, then say, well who doesn’t charge more. It’s an awful practice and the response sounds like a lot of copium. Student debt is awful as it is.

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This is, I believe, all about false advertising in their doctoral program, correct? I am simply saying that there is not a thing wrong with their undergraduate program specifically the school of nursing. I am also glad that after 5 universities you can read a menu.

Best bracket ever!!!


FTC got involved in January. I’m sure their on campus undergraduate offerings are probably solid. Their history makes them somewhat controversial - having started as a failing non-profit, being converted to a profitable for-profit and then converting back to a bit of a hybrid - deemed to be a for profit by the DoEd and a non profit for IRS purposes. Funding their athletics programs partially through the largess of nearly 100,000 online students will always be a bone of contention in sports, as it continues to be at Liberty.

I find the notion that schools call themselves “non-profit” is absolutely hilarious. Of course schools are “for profit”