2024 MAC Tournament

Hoping to resume at 6pm this evening


What a mess! Reminds me of the Cure Bowl.

Hoping for a better result.

Optimism springs eternal!



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We’re playing like the bottom seed today - two more errors in the fourth and Toledo up 4-0 with two out and a runner on third. And just like that, the heavier rain is back.


Things not getting any better after the delay. First two Rockets retired top 4, then 1B, 1B+E5, E5. Four errors already today, and it’s 4-0 Toledo. Lose this, and we’re almost certainly guaranteed a 3 seed once again.

Kumar is heated that they restarted play. Impossible to play defense in this weather.


I know our pitching has been suspect at times this season, but has our defense usually been this bad?

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Two errors before the rain, too.

It was already raining when the first two errors happened.

Toledo is a slap hitting team and we’re a home run hitting team. Both of those things work hugely against us in crappy playing conditions.


Are we in another freaking delay?

Toledo doesn’t have any errors because we haven’t tested them. 8 balls in play: 3 hits, 4 pop/fly outs, and 1 unassisted ground out.

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Obviously, they should have never restarted it.

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Rain started back up and the Toledo pitcher threw 3 walks that half inning, but it doesn’t matter because we can’t hit in this weather.

And now into rain delay number 3.

What’s the NCAA rule on calling a game? 5 complete innings?

That radar looks awful. Potentially not clear again until like 9:00.

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Yep. That’s what I posted when they predicted a 6 pm restart. Mother Nature is conspiring against Mother Miami.

I don’t think the have rain shortened games in elimination tournaments.

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Bewick 2-run shot. Down 4-3 after 5.

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