2024 MAC Tournament

Central eliminates Western.

Unless I am overlooking something, I donā€™t see it scheduled to be broadcast on ESPN+.

Itā€™s supposed to be. I havenā€™t looked on the ESPN app, though.

Itā€™s showing up here, too.

A Nintendo controller and a VCR? Niiiiiice. :rofl:

The rank next to the name is so satisfying


Sometimes you have to go to the MAC icon in conferences to find us.

Ha, kind of. The Nintendo is one of the re-issued systems a few years ago, with the games pre-loaded (no cartridges). And Iā€™m not sure the VCR even works anymore after all the toys and puzzle pieces my kid has shoved in it over the years. :laughing:

So, what is Bartholomew doing?

Gotta up the frame rate on those cameras.

This one hasnā€™t started well for us.But Bartholemew redeems herself. Letā€™s go. Dudes dig the long ball!


Was hoping we would respond in the bottom half of the 2nd. :neutral_face:

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Weā€™re not ā€œon our gameā€ today. Going to have to grit this one out.

Can see the rain coming down on the broadcast.

Rain delay in the top of the 4th

Looks like we are losing 2 to 0 in the top 4

Hopefully this rain delay can snap them out of this funk.

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Looking at the radar, this one may be done. Hope we can get a break in a couple hours. Lots of rain west of Akron.

Thereā€™s no way this would be considered an official game, right? Just pick back up maybe tomorrow?

Radar is saying it should break sometime after 6.