2023 Football Season

I found it somewhat disheartening that Martin did not even mention Wllkins in his receivers review with Bake .Was that due to injuries or he has not been impressive on the field?


That’s for damn sure.

CM does more coach speak than any coach around. I love his interviews. He hardly ever answers a question. He just talks about what he wants, basically makes a huge word salad. He intimidates the crap out of all reporters. I have never seen one ask him a tough question. You will NEVER here a question like this: “ Coach, do you think it was a bad decision to leave Brett in the game when you’re losing by 3 touchdowns and there’s 2 minutes left in the game?”


Granted they’re all highlight videos, but seems like I’ve seen a lot of Larvadain on the videos Miami has been posting. Very excited to see what he can do this season. Could be a huge get when it’s all said and done.

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If you look at Gabbert’s TD to INT ratio, it is outstanding. He rarely makes the wrong throw. Now have I liked the plays that have been called for him? No. Hopefully that changes. But rarely does he make a truly bad throw or bad read.


Got to use Muersch and Coldiron, of course…Kevin Davis a hybrid.

Then at WR Marshall, Tracy and Virgil I think the talent and potential is there…the three transfers wild cards (Wilkins, Larvadain, Macdonald?)

That seems like more than enough…just have to use them.

And Kenny Tracy can be used situationally in the pass game as he was some last year.

Aside from the LB’s, this group may be the deepest on the team. This should be conducive for an explosive offense. If it’s just better than anemic it could be a fun year. If we are going to be successful with a faster paced offense it will require a dynamic passing game with ability vary from primary receivers.

In looking at the schedule, 8 wins should be the expectation with potential for 9. Per usual, this is largely dependent on health. The lack of true depth on the O-line is my biggest concern.

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Just as an FYI, there are more position breakdown videos on the Miami website. I’ve been posting the ones that get uploaded onto YouTube, but there are more that are only on miamiredhawks.com.

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I would say the DL is the deepest on the team. Returns everyone, 1st, 2nd and 3rd string.


You may be correct. It is certainly strong. I said LB’s from the sheer number of capable guys. Regardless, D-Line, LB’s and WR’s shouldn’t be a concern!

Nice play here by DB Silas Walters, but what the hell is Aveion thinking throwing that pass!!! Let’s get that out of his system before real action starts!



The Hustlebelt review of our Offense skill players mentions Aveon’s skill as a runner as as a positive as well as his 49% completion rate last year as a significant negative. They suggested his primary value is in running situations, especially in the Wildcat. I tend to agree.

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I would love to see Aveon on the field in certain packages. I think he would do well in short yardage or goal line. We did it with Mayer a couple years ago and I think it was effective. It also keeps Brett from taking anymore hits than he needs to.


@Redhawks16 Exactly! And Aveon is far more athletic than AJ.

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I think it’s pathetic that supposed reporters kowtow to a coach with no Miami history of success. I think he should be asked why so few of his assistants move on to name brand universities? I’d ask him after so many years of heading Miami no bigger jobs have come his way.

Under him we are no longer the Cradle of Coaches. We are the Crushers of Coaches. He needs to go.


Here are the WR, Secondary, and LB previews that were just uploaded to YouTube.


Thank you for posting these.


I would love to see Gabbert and Aveon on the field at the same time for a few plays here and there. Use one or the other as a decoy, make them think Aveon will just run and throw a bomb down the field, who knows.


Did you watch Montana State at all last year? They have two QBs similar to Gabbert and Aveon. One is a better passer who can still move, while the other is very athletic but has a worse arm. Taylor Housewright, who was actually a GA at Miami, created a brand new offense for them. Here’s the same RPO ran multiple times with different options each time:



I think the key to this Montana State playbook is the running QB can’t always run and the throwing QB can’t always throw. My only concern with that, is do you risk injury to Gabbert running the ball. But beyond that, it certainly would be intriguing to see.