2023 Football Season

Coach, help me understand how this was the fault of the Miami coaching staff. I mean, if he was in the portal and they saw him, how would they know? I highly doubt we were contacting him in advance being like “hey kid, Deon’s kind of blowing things up. Come here.” I think that’s how the big schools with money do it, no? Quinn Evers at Texas comes to mind.

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You get one transfer. You can go anywhere you want. If you transfer a second time you have to be granted a waiver. Basically it goes in front of a board of NCAA folks. They determine if you get the waiver or not. Therefore, if you transfer a second time it may or may not be approved. I would assume that he was told by Miami that he could transfer and play in 2023 since he was 3rd in depth chart. There is risk involved and it seems as though the player was unaware of that risk.


So does this ineligible year actually erase a year of eligibility going forward? That would mean he would only have 2024 and 2025. I’m a little surprised the fact that there was a coaching change at CU doesn’t allow the kid to transfer without a penalty since the portal opens up for the whole team whenever that happens.

I called a friend of mine that is coaching in college currently. He explained exactly what I said to yellow. He wasn’t sure about the eligibility aspect. The change of coach does not guarantee approval for waiver. There are no guarantees because players only get one transfer. A player is putting his destiny in the hands of a faceless board. Sometimes it thumbs up others it’s thumbs down :-1:.


Right, I get the basic transfer rules (even the fact that many players got 2 transfers the last couple years without penalty.) My question is around the idea that the MU staff messed him up. I just don’t see what would be in it for them to do that. Also, we have a compliance officer so it’s not like they’d have worked in a silo. Maybe the compliance officer missed the mark?


I have no idea who messed up. Someone should have known though. The rule is very simple. Also, to be fair, maybe the staff did tell the player and he did it anyway. I was assuming ( I know the saying :smile:) since the kid got tons of reps, the coaches must not have known there might be a problem. Maybe they can appeal? Someone needs to tell the kid to get off social media though. Slamming NCAA may not be wise if you are going to appeal. Just sayin.


Well said!

I hope he gets a chance as I’m pretty fed up with the ncaa myself as they don’t seem very consistent anymore in so many ways. He might also have grounds for a lawsuit against the ncaa but I’ll leave that for the real lawyers on this site to discuss. I learned law from Ben Matlock and they never covered this topic in my tv correspondence classes.


I’d argue against that actually, most MAC football coaches that had some success but were eventually fired after a long tenure (Brandon, Novak, Cubit) were replaced by new blood that did a lot better (Clawsen, Kill, Fleck respectively).

That’s not to say it’s risk-free (Bowden/Arth are a counter-point), but that can be mitigated by being proactive. A lot easier to get a good coach if you make a move a few weeks before the regular season ends, and helps that our program isn’t a dumpster fire like 2013.

Shades of Brian Boswirth and his National Communists Against Athletes cape at the Orange Bowl…

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Matlock’s court house is right across the river from where I live. It has been out of commission since Hurricane Florence in 2018. According to sources in movie production here in Wilmywood, Old Matlock (AKA Sheriff Andy) used to chase about every skirt in this fair city when the show was being filmed here.

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Ben! Doggone it. Ben!!!

Kopp seems pretty mad about it

But for Miami if he maintains his eligibility and is really good it probably is better

I am hoping we dont need 3 qbs this year

Also I dont think he could stay at Colorado if he is MAC level qb. Deion told everyone to get lost.


Agreed that if he’d stayed at CU he’d be done with football. It also sounds liked he’d really be the #4 QB here this season if he played at Miami in ‘23. If he transfers again he might lose another year. Who knows? A good example of how an athlete can really get messed over…

I understand the transfer rules and the risks Kopp took but when you have an ass like Sanders come in and basically tell his entire returning team to piss off, I think those transfer rules need to be relaxed. Feel very sorry for Kopp. He is getting screwed.


Agree. NCCA is beyond stupid here.


He is absolutely getting screwed. For the last couple years, the NCAA ignored the one free transfer “clause” and looked the other way while JT Daniels transferred three times and Ben Bryant pinballed between four different teams. And there are numerous others, just not as visible because they’ve never played significant snaps at any of their schools.

This year, the NCAA announced they were going to crack down and start enforcing the one time free transfer clause, but I’m pretty sure they did so after or near the end of the second portal window in April. Kopp had already transferred and the situation created by Sanders at CU should have been enough in and of itself for the NCAA to grant him a waiver.

If Daniels is allowed to play at Rice or Bryant at NW, I’d love to see the NCAA’s rationale. It can’t be their Graduate status because Daniels has already used that in moving to WVU and I think Bryant graduated from somewhere as well.

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I agree it’s probably better for him. Still sucks though. I actually watched Deon’s first speech to the team again last night. He never said anything like that. He retained several players. He basically told them the team was bad he was not keeping everyone. He told them they would have to work hard and earn a spot. This isn’t Deon’s fault.

Well said. There’s a great article I read on ESPN about how we got to where we are. I’ll see if I can find it and post. Beyond a landmark Supreme Court ruling and greedy schools, the NCAA hasn’t done a great job being consistent and I think that hurt(s) their credibility.

Lemme look for it…

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You guys are all missing the point. Players get one transfer. Nothing guaranteed after that. Period. Doesn’t matter what Daniels or Rattler or anybody else did. I’m not condoning it, the rules are simple on this one. He should have had better guidance.

Here’s what Maddox got caught up in this week. The crackdown even prompted some elected officials to get involved but apparently to no avail. One involves a transfer out from Kent State.