2023 Football Season

Thanks for the information and the terrific offer! I’ll let you know. I might fly up to BDL on Friday night and stay down there. I noticed UMass has about a dozen kids who played at New England Preps. My kid played at Eaglebrook and Berkshire so it would be a bit of deja vu for me if I do come up. He also played baseball and hockey against Amherst College right down the street. UMass is doing a nice job covering their fall camp on their web page.

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I haven’t seen Martin this happy with our conditioning and strength in the off-season in his entire tenure here. He seems to think that the OL did make some great strides in the offseason so that’s great to hear!


I just hope Martin’s occasional poor play calling, not subbing out starters in certain games and clock management issues, etc. do? not cost us a game this year.

I may be wrong but can anyone here with a better memory than me opine on the number of games “MM” (Martin Mistakes) have cost us over his tenure at Miami



I would just say that Chuck has not called the plays the last several years, he has concentrated on the defense and overall game management. However, we have replaced our previous Offensive Coordinator and l have heard rumblings that Chuck is going to concentrate on Offense this year since we have an inexperienced play caller. We will soon see if that is correct.


The most confusing game plan I remember was the last trip to West Point in 2021 when he changed QB virtually every play.

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Scary news about the defensive secondary with four guys currently injured and Saunders gone to Ole Miss.

We open on the road in the heat against the big-armed TVD, an air raid offense and a set of Frisbee catching dogs at WR. I sure hope those injuries aren’t serious.

Looks like Brett and Aveon are the solid 1 & 2 again at QB with Kopp quite a bit behind those two. No mention of anyone else in the QB room.

This is a huge year for Chuck and his staff. I certainly hope the pieces come together very early in the season!

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4 guys injured already ~ yikes.


Why is this a huge year for Chuck and his staff? I think he knows by now that if he goes 6-6 and gets to a bowl game his job is safe.


4DB’s out… ouch. I bet Blanton would be lovin’ some Rowan Zolman about now. No mention of Hesson. Kopp “ way behind “. I thought Kopp was experienced? Henry going into his third year. I’m sure he’s not behind. Guess he’s not one of CM’s boyz. Maybe CM should consider 2 weeks of camp instead of 4? Why beat the hell out of each other for a month? Then play a power 5 team?:thinking:


Isn’t this a contract year? If so, I’m pretty sure it’s an important year- even at Miami.

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No, schools make sure their coach has at least 2 additional years on their contract unless they’re getting fired and waiting until there’s a single year left for a buyout.


According to the article, dated March 2020, he has just a single year left on his contract after this season - 2024. The current contract expires January 31, 2025. It doesn’t say what the buyout might be. That’s probably in the contract itself.

Which leads me back to my initial assertion. This season is an important one for CM.

IMO, a good season in 2023 probably gets him an extension or a better job. A bad one probably gets him a buyout.


Buyout is currently 750k and goes to 0 on 1/31/24 for the last year of the contract. I agree that it seems like a contact extension will need to be signed in the next year if one is signed.

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IF Chuck and the team underperforms and Sayler wants to make a change, it would be done shortly after the year. Buyout would be negotiated down to avoid waiting until 1/31/24.

No doubt, a massive year for the staff.

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RedHawkreview - That’s probably the most predictable scenario. Anything short of bowl eligible (5-7) and that settlement and announcement take place in late November. I’m guessing an 8-5 probably gets him a one year extension at Miami. 10-3 probably gets him a higher paying job in a P5 conference - and Northwestern comes immediately to the top of my list.

he said four corners - Zolman is a safety.

I would be absolutely shocked if Martin is asked to leave by our current administration. Even if we went 3-9

Remember we werent going to fire Coach D until we found out some things

I also would be shocked if a power 5 was interested if we went 10-3. Maybe AAC or MWC

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