2023 Football Season

Sure. I’ll make it out to The University of Miami Of Ohio, since the school can’t decide what it wants to brand itself. Problem solved!


I’m glad we’re having this discussion again

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It is what it is; I’m just disappointed Miami embraced the “of Ohio” bit. They’re two different universities with two different names…

When we beat the u we make the miiami of Florida and we go back to miami university we was an university when Florida still belong to spain


Interesting that a subset of our fans/alumni seem to be so hesitant to identify our state assisted university with the state in which it was born - and in fact seem to find identifying the university as a creature of Ohio as being distasteful.

Oddly, that’s the exact school that a number of recruits commit to when they make their announcements on Twitter.

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Keep in mind that so many decisions affecting our school (like the subject of this discussion) are being made by non-Miami alumni and./ or people with no allegiance to the school beyond receiving a paycheck.


Does fall camp open this weekend?

Tuesday or Wednesday. Not sure when the official start is.

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Thanks. Knew it had to be sometime early this week.

From a post on the Miami Facebook page, it looks like camp opened today!

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Those pictures are old, they aren’t allowed to start in full pads. I believe they start Wednesday.

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When were we officially recognized as the “cradle of coaches”? When the book by Bob Kurz was published?

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He was the originator of the term so he definitely gets the credit. I believe Dave Young followed him as SID although its possible somebody worked between their eras.

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That’s what I remember too

I believe the official title was “Miami of Ohio: The Cradle of Coaches” …. So what’s the problem here?! Haha

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Bob published this in 1983, openly referring to us by the common name our athletics programs were proudly referred to back then. He brought copies of his new book to Seattle in September 1984 and had them available for purchase at our pre-game event at the Sheraton Hotel.

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Yep I have a copy on my bookshelf…peruse it every now and then.

As a Miamian that has lived in every time zone during my career, I essentially gave up on being offended by the Miami of Ohio reference…many people I interacted with thought that was the official name of the college, and to them I always offered a primer as to why that was incorrect and how the name came about. This always gave me an opportunity to mention our early founding date and storied history. (Also gave me an opening to mention how we beat Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina back to back in bowl games during my tenure in Oxford, which I greatly enjoy).

I always reference my alma mater as Miami University, but invariably often have to explain which Miami I am referring to, depending on my location. Obviously Midwesterners know which Miami I am referring to…


I always say I went to Miami University to people outside the Midwest also. Then add “in Oxford, Ohio”. To people from Ohio, I just say Miami.


Personally as a relatively recent grad, I’ll say Miami of Ohio if I’m talking to someone who I think will assume I mean the U - I’m proud to have gone to Miami and I don’t want my alma mater to be confused. But I don’t think of Miami as “Miami of Ohio” so I wouldn’t particularly want apparel that says Miami of Ohio. Not offended if others do though.