2023 Football Season

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is closer to their last MAC title then it is to 2023.


You win.

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I’ve been thinking this over and I think part of the awkwardness if you will with Chuck was, as they pointed out, he is now in his 10th season as Miami’s HC. Maybe they just don’t have much “filler” left with him as they do the newer coaches.

Also, does any DI commissioner have an easier or less stressful job than Jon Steinbrecher? Stable conference, not much talk of teams leaving, no real significant expectations to be more than they are. For a commissioner, seems like a dream gig. Maybe less money, but a lot less stress and pressure too.

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An OU Bobcat named Larry T Hunter (very familiar name) commented on the MAC’s media prediction post yesterday. Looking at his Facebook page, he appears to be Sackman’s OU alter ego.

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I’ll bash his skull in with a red brick.

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Was there any mention of MAC TV contract future @ media day? I feel like we’re the next G5 conference to go up for renegotiations…

I thought it was odd that while they were talking about Brett Gabbert returning to run the offense again, they were showing highlights of Aveon from last season.

I also thought it was odd that Chuck said twice that John Saunders had transferred to Mississippi State when in fact he’d transferred to Ole Miss.

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South Alabama’s only other regular season loss last season was by 4 points against top 20 Troy. That was a competitive game between good teams, not an upset bid. Tim Beck has underachieved everywhere he’s been and runs a conventional offense. A large part of Coastal’s success the past few years is that they ran a unique offense that they executed extremely well. A good QB isn’t enough to overcome that.

I wondered if that was intentional


Obviously alums of WeedU.

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Too much weed!

I’m guessing fall camp probably starts sometime next weekend. I found this older BR article which explains lots of the mechanics. I think two-a-days might have been completely eliminated since it was published a few years ago. Anyone know what else might have changed?

This should be re-posted every Friday during the football season.

MAC head coaches poll picked Toledo and Ohio to win their divisions. Not to worry … Check out article …

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Pretty nice article from INSIDE THE U on the Miami vs Miami matchup. Extensive quotes from RedHawks (Gabbert and Martin) included. Emphasized importance of fall camp.
Article was picked up by CBS Sports. Can also find it [HERE] (​MIAMI FOOTBALL - MRO-Plus: Miami RedHawks)

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Looks like these changes were implemented in 2021…


Couple of interesting notes: Miami Football Is now a “one-year culture”, according to CM; several players “nobody knows about” have been added this summer; and CM now refers to transfer outs as “defectors.”

Anyone know who the newbies are?

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Talk about a lack of institutional control! Wow!

“not consistent with the school’s core values.”

It sure isn’t.

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