2023 Coaching Carousel

I love how there is no professionalism in College Football. Nah, bruh.

If you have a problem with this, youā€™re a piece of shit. Itā€™s no secret that he would prefer to not move his special needs son. Now should he have considered that in the first place? Probably.

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I mean heā€™s literally a paid employee. Say what you will about whether NCAA amateurism is a farce, but thereā€™s no dispute that coaches are professionals doing jobs.

Whatā€™s done is done. I never knew this about Oā€™Brien until this story broke last night. Tells you the rock formation I live under. But if his decision on where to coach is based on his sonā€™s care, then Iā€™m 100% fine with it. Other coaches have stayed, moved, based on family health and care. Bostonā€™s hospitals are world class and theyā€™ve got the knowledge and background to help continue the care required.

Hereā€™s the story the Houston Chronicle ran back in 2014 when Oā€™Brien was hired as the head coach of the Texans and they went into detail about his sonā€™s condition.


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Never mind the family aspectā€¦ just from a job perspective, no one should have a problem with it. Former NFL & P5 head coach chooses P5 head coaching gig over P5 coordinator gig. Obviously. Why wouldnā€™t he choose the head coaching job?

BC has been bad for a long time. Heā€™s a great coach but this is gonna be a total rebuild although given his family situ maybe heā€™s the perfect person for the job as he will likely stay a while. I wish him well.

Miami is losing another coach.


Great for Myles, bad for Miami. So now we have lost Bronk, Bowen and Myles. Only replaced Bronk with a new ST coach. Hopefully we hear about replacements for Myles and Bowen soon. Congrats to Myles!

Champagne problems- This comes with the territory when youā€™re successful on the field, but have limited resources in the MAC.

Trust CM to keep finding young successful assistants


Curious if Chris Hudson will get bumped up to WR coach.


That would be amazing. Heā€™s a quality dude.

I asked Armand Robinson if he was interested in the opening. He said ā€œHaha, maybe I should put my interest in the hatā€.

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The cradle will rock!

Iā€™ll take assistants getting poached every year. It means weā€™re excelling.


Thatā€™s an imressive jump. G5 to NFL. Lots better than the two we lost couple years ago that moved DOWN to the Bobbies.

Chip Kelly apparently headed to OSU as the new OC

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This one is a head scratcher for me. Chip allegedly does not like recruiting and all he needs to deal with regarding the portal and NIL at UCLA. I assume heā€™ll still need to be involved in these activities - to a certain degree - in CBus.

He also has sucked for over a decade.

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Bet he had a very clear conversation with Day about what he wants to do a lot of and what he doesnā€™t want to do a lot of as buckā€™$ offensive coach. Especially recruiting and NIL.

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